Thursday 2 December 2010

Bit Of An Underestimation...

A woman in charge of a residential management company which used LBS clampers says they were hired because they were “a little bit more aggressive”.
In the same way that a rabid half-starved wolverine with a bulldog clamp on its testicles is 'a little bit more aggressive' than this kitten:

Ms Sullivan admitted she had not heard of LBS before it was taken on and was not aware of its track record...
Ms Sullivan must be unique in the business world, being unaware of the term 'due diligence'.

Or 'Google'...


  1. The management company on my complex hired a company to manage the car parking on the basis of their 'low retainer' and were surprised when that translated into an aggressive ticketing policy which pissed off the residents.

    The contract was not renewed.

  2. How can she have hired them because they were more aggressive yet plead that she didn't know anything about them beforehand?

  3. That kitten can clamp my wheel any time...

    Meanwhile, in other news, I did see an ossifer of the law clamping a neighbour's car on the road and while I did not like to ask then and there it looked as if the guy had not paid his road fund and maybe the cops are looking for things to do.

    The idea of a bobby patrolling the streets and looking at tax discs is intriguing. Next they will be looking for the kids -- and, surely not, the immigrants -- who drive around with no tax, insurance, MOT or even a driving licence.

  4. "The contract was not renewed."

    Unfortunately, there'll always be someone else who just doesn't care, who takes these clowns on.

    I just wonder what job they return to when the clamping gig is finally abolished?

    "How can she have hired them because they were more aggressive yet plead that she didn't know anything about them beforehand?"

    She fails 'Excuses 101'...

    "The idea of a bobby patrolling the streets and looking at tax discs is intriguing. Next they will be looking for the kids -- and, surely not, the immigrants -- who drive around with no tax, insurance, MOT or even a driving licence."

    Certainly, the traffic cameras aren't going to do the job...
