Thursday 2 December 2010

Yeah, We've Noticed, Thanks....

Essex County Council’s plans to cope with the first heavy snow of the winter were not up to the task, the highways boss has admitted.
And the excuse? Well, there has to be one, right?
...he blamed the snow arriving just before rush hour.


“I just hope this is not a precursor of the whole winter. I know this will lead to some criticism, but the time the snow came was not helpful.
Bad snow! BAD snow!


  1. Bloody snow!! never does as it's told, next it'll want a free university education and a 50k a year job at the end of it :p

  2. winter wonderland2 December 2010 at 10:30

    Was he doing this interview from home because he couldn't get out of the house?

    Or while stuck in traffic in the delayed rush hour?

    (Story from the wilds of Yorkshire; a woman I know struggled to cleared the snow from round her car, went inside for a cup of coffee to warm up and watched horrified from her window as the snow plough came past and covered her clear road and much of her car with a mountain of packed, dirty snow. And then it carried on snowing.)


  4. " the snow plough came past and covered her clear road and much of her car with a mountain of packed, dirty snow. And then it carried on snowing."

    That's one of those days when you really wonder why you bothered to even get out of bed...

    "Sledges, snowmen, snowballs and the excitement of waking to find that the stuff has settled outside are all a rapidly diminishing part of Britain's culture...."

    Heh! I'd say he must be embarrassed, but I think that's an emotion these creatures just don't possess...
