Wednesday 15 December 2010

I Don't Want To See The Unruly Bitch Punished Too Harshly...

...after all, at seven months old, she's just a puppy!

Her mistress, however, deserves a lot more than a smack on the nose with a rolled up newspaper, and an electro-shock collar:
A judge swore and stormed out of court today when she was convicted of failing to control her dangerous dog.

Judge Beatrice Bolton, of Rothbury, Northumberland, strode out when the verdict was announced, branding the decision "a f****** travesty".
Oh, dear. A muzzle might have been in order?
Judge Bolton was heard yelling "I'll never set foot in a court again" from outside the courtroom.
Well, let's hope so!
Judge Bolton, who was asked by the court usher during the two-day-trial to stop chewing gum...
Hmm, it's not often it's the judge who displays such contempt for a court, is it? Her behaviour is rather reminiscent of the unlamented ex-Labour MP & legal beagle (arf!) Vera Baird.

What is it with law women and dogs and that unshakable sense of entitlement and belief that the rules they are supposed to uphold don't apply to them?

I said on Twitter that the MSM would probably now dig into her case load and see if she'd made any embarrassing faux pas. So, to save them the trouble:

On sentencing a woman for breaking an ASBO over loud sex:
"In addition it's quite clear from the small extract I heard that you made no attempt to silence yourself."
On allowing an appeal for a young man convicted of 'barking at a woman to cause her distress':
"Are you going to be convicted every time you do something someone else doesn't like?..the law is not an ass."
What do you think of the law now, judge?

H/T Charonqc via Twitter yesterday


  1. Judge Bolton was heard yelling "I'll never set foot in a court again" from outside the courtroom ..

    Thank Christ for small mercies .. pity she can't persuade a few more of her equally useless & batty colleagues to join her ..

    Its a hollow threat anyway .. because her type just couldn't bear to exist on a reduced "social" level (or suffer the pay cut) ..

  2. Dog? I think a close examination would suggest that it is a bitch.

    Still, it's encouraging to see that efforts to make the judiciary more representative of the community might be bearing some fruits?

  3. "Its a hollow threat anyway .. because her type just couldn't bear to exist on a reduced "social" level (or suffer the pay cut) .."

    She may not get the choice!

    "'s encouraging to see that efforts to make the judiciary more representative of the community might be bearing some fruits..."

    Chav culture, chav judges?

  4. Another NuLabour innovation.

    "Judge" doesn't mean very much these days - anyone from the chairman of an immigration tribunal to a Law Lord gets the title these days.

    Willing to bet that Judge Bolton isn't a law lord...
