Tuesday 14 December 2010

It’s Hardly A Surprise: We’ve Seen Where The Money Goes…

Only a quarter of people believe more money should be spent on benefits compared with more than half in the mid-1980s, it was disclosed.
Is it really any wonder?
A large-scale analysis of social attitudes over three decades also found fewer adults wanted the Government to redistribute income and many believed inequality was down to “individual laziness on the one hand and hard work on the other” .
I suspect the key word there is ‘adults’…
The disclosure, in the annual British Social Attitudes report, is being seen as evidence that public opinion is “far closer” to many of Lady Thatcher’s core beliefs than it was when she left office in 1990.
No doubt the wailing and gnashing of teeth at the 'Guardian' will be illuminating.
After 13 years of a Labour government, the study found more people were against disproportionately taxing the better off.


  1. Now all we have to do is persuade the quasi-Tories and squishy Libs in the Coalition that this is what people want.

    If Cameron had been just a teensy-weensy bit more red meat conservative, he'd have romped home. Pusillanimous oaf.

  2. "Ickle disabled Jody – initially, ‘nasty rough policemen tip a helpless raspberry out of his wheelchair for fun!’ Later, a look at his background and his blog shows a nasty, manipulative little hardcore protester who WALKED up nineteen floors of the Milbank Tower. Also, footage shows those nasty rough policemen carefully carrying his wheelchair out of the way of the mounted dispersal."

    Some policeman (note Regulation English) appears to have impersonated you on the nasty Gadget blog, JuliaM.

  3. But..but..but...who will theeeenk of the chillldreeen? I'm sure the Guardian will do the only thing they know and either omit it, slant it or chuck it on pg44.

  4. Oooops, I must place my earlier assertion on hold. I may have to return to the said matter and eat cold pie of the humble variety.

  5. "If Cameron had been just a teensy-weensy bit more red meat conservative..."

    And if my auntie had balls... ;)

    "Some policeman (note Regulation English) appears to have impersonated you on the nasty Gadget blog, JuliaM."

    No, as you correctly surmised, that is indeed me.

    "I'm sure the Guardian will do the only thing they know and either omit it, slant it or chuck it on pg44."

    Bound to!

  6. I had to read the original report in full for research purposes. My conclusion was 'mostly worthless'. No real signs of support in it for the Iron Lady. The general trend is towards more liberal views. I note there was an absence of sensible questions like 'would you pay more taxes to establish public works programmes to replace benefits'. I suspect the Torygraph only looked at a small section of the abstract. This at least saved that fine organ from the expense of buying the worthless, rather Grauniad supporting dross!
