Tuesday 24 May 2011

MONA Thwarted By CCTV....

...see, they have some uses:
Police are appealing for information after a man indecently exposed himself to three schoolgirls on a train.

British Transport Police (BTP) have released CCTV images of a man they wish to speak to...

H/T Pavlov's Cat via email


  1. "on a train."

    Says it all really. Only OAP's, Care In The Community Cases and Preverts ride public transport these days.

    Don't get on a train without a bumper pack of Broad Spectrum Antibiotics and a pump action shotgun.

  2. Open and closed24 May 2011 at 18:50

    Surely commuters aren't all like that, SBC? Though looking at the pic the train does not look as if it packed with commuters.

    Also, don't the police in a flashing case have a description of the, er, todger?

  3. Probably they do (if any of the schoolgirls were wearing glasses, anyway), but we aren't looking for Bill Clinton, are we?
