Tuesday 24 May 2011

The Only Way Is Essex The Local Newspaper

A mum has hit out at a school after her daughter was collected without her permission.

Danielle Huggins, 25, is now getting legal advice after Cherrytree Primary School allowed her daughter to leave the premises with another adult, without her permission.
Oh noes! Paedophiles! Stranger danger! Aieeeeee!

Oh, wait…
Miss Huggins’ seven-year-old daughter Kelci (Ed: Ah, I see….) was taken unwell at the school, in Church Road, Basildon.

The school tried to contact Miss Huggins, but because she was having blood tests at Basildon Hospital, her phone was off.

Unable to reach Kelci’s mum, the school contacted her grandad who then sent another woman to collect the child.

Although the other woman was known to Miss Huggins, she did not have permission to collect the child and Miss Huggins claims the woman was able to take Kelci without being challenged.
Well, that’s because the alternate contact was advised and they said they were sending a surrogate. If you’ve a problem with that, why not take it up with granddad, rather than consult a lawyer?
“The school didn’t even challenge this person and it could have been a paedophile for all the school knows.”
Yes, I’m sure they monitor the airwaves around schools for just this sort of opportunity. Wind your neck in, love.
Only Miss Huggins and Kelci’s grandad have permission to pick her up from school.

Miss Huggins said the school had failed to apologise or explain its actions.
She added: “I’m making an official complaint because the person who picked Kelci up could have been anyone and this can’t be allowed to happen again.”
I think you missed the point that she ‘could have been anyone your alternate contact authorised to pick up’, didn’t you?
Following the incident, which happened last Tuesday, Essex County Council, speaking on behalf of the school, defended its actions.

A spokeswoman said: “This child was unwell at school. The teachers and office staff used the contact numbers which had been provided in order to arrange for someone to collect her.

“The officer spoke to the child’s grandad, who said someone would be collecting her from school.

“A short time later the child was collected by someone she knew and was happy to go home with.

“Following this, the child’s mother contacted the school to inform us of her concerns.
The headteacher has offered to meet with her to discuss these further.”
She doesn’t seem to want discussion with anyone who can’t get her 15 minutes of fame or a big payout…


  1. A rose by any other name24 May 2011 at 12:49

    Any excuse for trying to squeeze compensation out of the guv'mint or the educashun system.

    On the other hand, the mother should be fined for giving her child a name like that. Kelci? Is that like kelsey or Kelkee?

    Thinking of silly names, one of the best I heard of was L-a in the States. Her mother insisted it was pronounced L-dash-a.

    Obvious when you know, innit?

  2. Obviously Miss Huggins is unhappy with the present arrangement between herself and her father. Perhaps in future, if the school is unable to contact Miss Huggins herself in connection with her daughter's welfare, then the Social Services might be willing to assist instead?

  3. What a moron. Some people will complain about the slightest thing to get compo.
    People like her are largely responsible for our compensation culture and our thick as pig shit kids.

  4. The comments on that article are hilarious

  5. "On the other hand, the mother should be fined for giving her child a name like that. Kelci? Is that like kelsey or Kelkee?"

    I couldn't agree more! What ever happened to our great BRITISH Xian names like 'Blue Murder', 'Cheese Sandwich', 'Bind them in Chains' and my personal fav 'Praise God Bare Bones'??!

  6. Captain Haddock24 May 2011 at 17:56

    I think its jolly unfair ..

    Perhaps the blood tests which poor Miss Huggins was undergoing, could well have been to assist medical experts to establish the presence (or otherwise) of a funtioning brain ..

  7. "could well have been to assist medical experts to establish the presence (or otherwise) of a funtioning brain ."

    Maybe once they have found the Ryan Giggs or Higgs Boson or whatever the fuck it is called they will then have microscopes up to the task.....

  8. Funny, isn't it, how some 'parents' give their kids memorable (aka unusual and misspelt) names in the vague hope they seem outstanding or different.

    Funny then that in many cases the kids aren't outstanding or different. They wear the same Primark/Adidas/combat togs with rap slogan T-shirts and often turn like their 'elders and betters'

    Funny old world.

  9. Does anyone else get infuriated when newspapers spell 'granddad' as grandad?

  10. "Thinking of silly names, one of the best I heard of was L-a in the States. Her mother insisted it was pronounced L-dash-a."


    "Perhaps in future, if the school is unable to contact Miss Huggins herself in connection with her daughter's welfare, then the Social Services might be willing to assist instead?"


    "The comments on that article are hilarious"

    They are often far more illuminating than the article!

    "Funny, isn't it, how some 'parents' give their kids memorable (aka unusual and misspelt) names in the vague hope they seem outstanding or different."

    I'd hate to have to call the register these days!

    "Does anyone else get infuriated when newspapers spell 'granddad' as grandad?"

    Yes. I think it must be an Americanism.
