Wednesday 8 June 2011

Men Of No Appearance..?

Well, not quite:
A terrifying attack carried out by a gang of youngsters on Bournemouth beach has left two teenage girls too scared to go out on their own.

Sisters Kimberley and Chanelle Drew and three girl friends were at the beach just west of Bournemouth Pier when the incident happened last Thursday.

Tomboy Chanelle, 13, and her friend had earlier joined in a game of frisbee with members of the 15-20 strong group, although others came over and called them “white trash”.
As they were leaving the beach, Chanelle pointed out one of the girls that had been nice to her. A male member of the group came over and grabbed her by the throat.

“He pushed her to the ground, and went to kick her in the head. She was curled up into a ball,” said the girls’ mother Sara Drew.

Kimberley, 16, tried to pull her sister’s attackers away but they went for her instead. Although there were several people around, only one man intervened to stop the assault.
Were the police any help? Well…
Mrs Drew said: “The police said they were lucky they didn’t get stabbed or worse. We just want them caught. They can’t be allowed to get away with this.”
That’s reassuring, isn’t it? So, why no descriptions? Who are we dealing with?

Well, not who you might think:
A spokesperson for Dorset Police said they had received a call at 5.28pm from a friend of the girls reporting an assault on two females by a group of Chinese males and females. They are thought to be in their late teens and the girls had seen some of them smoking cannabis.


  1. I find that pretty hard to believe to be honest. I've never come across a person from China who is remotely violent. Not everyone that looks "Chinese" is Chinese. The Vietnamese can be a nasty lot.

  2. Kimberley and *snork* Chanelle?
    "White trash"?

    If the cap fits...

  3. They must have had the night off. Was it a Monday?

  4. How come Kimberley and Chanelle didn't get big sister Nancy to go and sort them out?

  5. @Sue
    Yes it is shocking and doesn't fit our current preconceptions - which are now out of date, thanks to Labour's Great Inundation, and need to be revised.

    I live in Birmingham, where in my lifetime the non-white population has largely comprised Panjabis and Jamaicans. Over the last decade or so my area has been overwhelmed by people from all over, including Arabs, Somalis (Casually drop Somalis into the conversation with a Pakistani taxi-driver, sit back and enjoy!), sub-Saharan Africans (including, inexplicably, many from former Portuguese colonies).

    Included in this mix are increasing numbers of rather down-at-heel orientals of (to my eyes) indeterminate origin, who do not fit the stereotype of the successful entrepreneur or professional.

    I also spend a fair amount of time not far from Julia's neck of the woods, in an area with a recently-established Gurkha population. While we all admire the noble Gurkha warriors, they do also have wives and children, including teenage boys and young men who are not always unambiguously the innocent victims in gang-related disturbances.

    I think the time has come for us to discard some of these comforting stereotypes we have.

  6. Strange that they didn't use the term "Asian" to describe the attackers. After all they use it for any other Asiatic group as a generalism.
    Then again as these weren't from the religion of peace, I guess they could be more specific.

  7. Progressing right back to the law of the jungle8 June 2011 at 17:27

    Sorry SBC (12.29), but just because someone is called Kimberley or Chanelle doesn't mean they are fair game for assault. Nor to be verbally attacked on account of their skin colour IN THEIR OWN FUCKING COUNTRY.

    Sense of humour failure, I know, but fuck me, what a pass things have come to.

  8. "Nor to be verbally attacked on account of their skin colour IN THEIR OWN FUCKING COUNTRY."

    I wondered when the Daily Mail Reading contingent would squeek. No one should be assaulted for any reason and I never said otherwise....

    ...but, hand on heart, look at their picture and then tell me you didn't think 'fat white trash' too?

  9. "...but, hand on heart, look at their picture and then tell me you didn't think 'fat white trash' too?"

    Fuck off.

  10. "I wondered when the Daily Mail Reading contingent would squeek."

    And I was wondering when some under achieving sandal wearing dole-ite would surface to offer mitigation on the grounds of "they're only white trash".

    All part of New Labours new transit camp of a country.

  11. Ancient +Tattered Airman8 June 2011 at 19:40

    I've already got more than enough 'cultural diversity' for my liking. Can we stop it now, please?

  12. I'd second Trevor. We're going to see increasing problems with Nepalese thanks to Joanna Dumley. The Vietnamese pose major problems in Southwark to my knowledge, and may have been on a day trip in this case.

    And anyone who thinks the Chinese are devoid of their own thug criminal element should wake up. A tranche of them have been an utter menace in both Dublin and Belfast for some time, and they're lavishly despised in both locales.

  13. It's well past time to get those wagons in a circle.

  14. Sue, if you don't believe the Chinese can be violent, I suggest you look up the Triads.


    That said I've always got the impression that their violence tends to stay more within their own community.

  15. "Fuck off." -Gordo

    I take that as a 'no' then? So what *did* you think when you saw the picture?

    Perchance, 'Innocent, beautiful, racially pure white roses of breeding'?

    I somehow doubt it.

    "And I was wondering when some under achieving sandal wearing dole-ite would surface to offer mitigation "-Anon

    Has anyone, sandal wearing or not, offered mitigation? But I'll call a spade "a spade" and fat white trash "fat white trash".

  16. " Not everyone that looks "Chinese" is Chinese. The Vietnamese can be a nasty lot."

    Good point!

    "While we all admire the noble Gurkha warriors, they do also have wives and children, including teenage boys and young men who are not always unambiguously the innocent victims in gang-related disturbances."

    Another good point - Laban has raised similar concerns.

    "Strange that they didn't use the term "Asian" to describe the attackers. "

    Yes, that struck me too.

    "And anyone who thinks the Chinese are devoid of their own thug criminal element should wake up."

    Oh, certainly, there's the Triads as Lerxst points out. And the image of the Chinese cook gone berserk with a cleaver holds sway...

    But it does usually seem to be intra-community crime. Mostly.

  17. I live near bournemouth (: if it had been a group of white youths who attacked 2 asians(?). the Echo would have run the front page as "racist attack" but as its the other way around nothing said.

  18. How about, "we don't give a stuff where your parents or grandparents were born, but if you kick off we will come down on you like the hammer of fucking Thor"? Seems like that would cover most of these little inter-cultural vignettes.

  19. "...but, hand on heart, look at their picture and then tell me you didn't think 'fat white trash' too?"

    I look at your post and think 'traitor'.
