Monday 6 June 2011

OK, Where’s The ‘Warning’..?

Because the glaring headlines don’t seem to be borne out by the story:
Comedian Lee Hurst and Dame Helen Mirren received letters from Thames Water after they spoke out against plans for London's £3.6 billion super-sewer.

They were warned by the utility giant not to listen to the "local rumour mill" after East End-born Hurst branded the project "a dreadful idea".
That’s all?

No ‘Keep quiet if you know what’s good for you, or you might find a pantomime horse’s head on the pillow!’..?
A Thames Water spokeswoman said: "There are two sides to every story, so we hope people who make public comments about the project will want to hear what we have to say. That's why we are contacting them as we have been doing with local residents."
I guess ‘Water company sends luvvies a letter as part of publicity campaign’ isn’t as eye-catching a headline…


  1. Colour me confused...

    The sewage system in London is probably the better part of over a hundred years old. The tunnels may well be collapsing and more people's stuff (and more disposables like nappies) get shoved down the crumbling tunnels (yeah, dramatic language I know but there we go) .

    So it is a bad idea to do something about part of it? Oh, and there is apparently many, many tons of waste fed into the river Thames, too? So that's okay then 'cos it's natural.

    As for parks being dug up... well, yes, it takes a long time to build tunnels and they have to do it from somewhere other than the high street (or underwater). But as far as Tower Hamlets appears to be concerned, there may not be much care about open spaces. Mosques after all don't need parks. Just a wall to divide the men and women.

  2. "So it is a bad idea to do something about part of it?"

    It seems that no matter what you propose someone, somewhere, will be agin' it!
