Sunday 5 June 2011

Are We Recruiting Police Officers From The Navy Now?

I mean, it might make some sense out of this:
They were held back by Haringey police officers, who were eventually pushed out of the way. One female officer was heard screaming "please let me go" and was left in floods of tears.

Someone tell me they were just PCSOs, and not real police? Please?


  1. If we were recruiting from the Navy, it would be an easy matter to reduce them to quivering jelly by the mere threat of taking their Ipods.

  2. Unfortunately more emphasis is put on a police recruit's ethnicity, diversity, and political correctness than any ability to 'kick ass'.
    We are reaping what has been sown

  3. Captain Haddock5 June 2011 at 18:47

    A little unfair on RN/RM personnel involved, I think ..

    Its easy to cast aspersions whilst sitting safe at home in UK, probably having never seen a shot fired in earnest ..

    Rule No 1 when taken prisoner .. Don't antagonise your captor(s) .. Act submissively & you might just survive the ordeal ..

    The alternative facing those Ratings/Ranks was to resist & to risk provoking a blood bath ..

    And, knowing as I do just what mad, volatile & unpredictable arseholes Iranians can be .. I for one don't blame them for acting as they did ..

    As for the Police in Haringey .. Well, the pigeons are coming home to roost ..

  4. "Someone tell me they were just PCSOs, and not real police? Please?"

    If you must insist an infinitesimal difference merits begging, they were not real police.

  5. Capt. Haddock:
    'Act submissively and you might just survive the ordeal ..'

    So that's how we beat the Nazis.

  6. Interesting to see my local place on your blog

  7. "Unfortunately more emphasis is put on a police recruit's ethnicity, diversity, and political correctness than any ability to 'kick ass'."

    We reap what we sow, indeed. Yet we never learn from this.

    "Rule No 1 when taken prisoner .. Don't antagonise your captor(s) .. Act submissively & you might just survive the ordeal .."

    As Greencoat points out, it's a good job that wasn't the standing order at Colditz...

    "Interesting to see my local place on your blog"

    You live in Haringey? My sympathies...

  8. Captain Haddock6 June 2011 at 07:47

    Greencoat & JuliaM ..

    There's a world of difference between how one behaves prior to capture & how one is taught to behave afterwards ..

    The training, as it currently exists, was largely written after WWII, much of it with the active help of Allied POW's & based on their experiences ..

    Recall, if you will, the demeanor of Flt Lt's John Nicholl & John Peters, when paraded on TV after being shot down in Gulf War 1 ..

    They followed the training they had been given to the letter & both survived, relatively unscathed .. I don't recall anyone claiming that they were "lesser men" for doing so ..

    As I said earlier .. easy to sit at home & make judgments .. "Armchair Generals" are wonderful creatures ..

    If either of you feel that you'd have behaved more "honourably" or more "courageously" .. I'm sure you know where to find your local Armed Forces Careers Office .. (their phone No is in the book) ..

  9. So a woman is subjected to an assault, cries....and you are not impressed? Just because she is a police officer you expect something else? Does it not fit in with your ideas of superwomen?

    Go and tell WPC Bloggs your thoughts....she might have the answers for you.

  10. OK a few points, Haddock, I understand what you're saying, "Grey man" and all that. It's not about acting "Submissively" it's about acting "Neutral" hence the grey bit.

    I don't know what training you had, but bursting into tears, dropping to your knees pleading "Oh please, please don't kill us, please don't kill us" doesn't elicit pity, it's seen as cowardly and elicits the response of disgust and that will get you killed.

    The other side of the coin under interrogation is you don't try to stare the protagonist down and say "My mum punches harder than that and she's 83 and in a wheelchair". That will get you kicked to death.

    Over stating the bleedin obvious here you may think, but no, police are taught if out on patrol that if "Stabby McChav" is coming the other way, you don't move out the way. This is all well and good if you're 6'2" and built like a prop forward. When you're some shrieking harpy known colloquially as WPC Manhater and you're 4'8" and 6st wringing wet it's the height of stupidity because regardless of your beliefs, donning blue serge in a morning does not now or ever will give you super powers.

    Blueknight, I couldn't put it better myself.
