Sunday 5 June 2011

Oooh, I'll Remember This One....

...the next time someone at 'Inspector Gadget's' blog whines that it's always the judiciary tying their hands:
The judge lifted an order which banned the media from identifying him, but North Yorkshire Police refused to release his picture.
How very interesting. And it's not because it's a first offence, either:
Clark, formerly from Thirsk, but now of Ousegate Lodge, Ousegate, Selby, pleaded guilty to his part in the November affray. His barrister, Adrian Dent, accepted he had to be locked up because he had breached so many non-custodial sentences in the past.
This is such a bizarre thing that it prompts an editorial from the 'Press':
Many would have wished for longer sentences, but Clark has only a 12-month sentence, and our concern is that he has since moved to Selby and the public should know what he looks like.

If the judge is happy to reveal Clark’s identity, why do the police feel it should be protected?

Our courts are often criticised, but here is a case of a judge trying to fully inform the public, yet the police have decided otherwise.

They are wrong and must think again.
Very curious indeed, eh?


  1. Wonder if it is this Richard Clark of Thirsk, who follows the "I hate police" page.

    The photo is not much help as we don't know which one, if any, of them he is.

    See, this is why you have to identify exactly which Richard Clark it is, to prevent similarly-named Richard Clarks from being mistaken for them.

  2. I suspect these cases have to do with wanting to suppress the real situation, rather than any concerns for the crooks.
    Our serial offenders don't stop, they just move on.

  3. Gadget's claim to possess far more (cough) expertise in this area than journalists, lawyers and judges, is perilous to dismiss.

    Zero tolerance of disagreement ensures comment alteration/deletion, character assassination and fitting up which results in a nasty fall on a cell floor.

  4. ....and this is co-convicted Daniel Dodsworth

    whose photo identifies him as that Daniel Dodsworth, a Facebook friend of Richard Clark.

    Daniel Dodsworth is currently engaged to Shellybabez Grainger Vodie

    who has a child who refers to Dodsworth as Daddy. Dodsworth apparently sleeps in the house (or did until his imprisonment) because Shellybabez complains about him taking up all the bed. One wonders if this is reflected in the benefits claims or not.

    (I've immediately discounted the idea that Dodsworth might be paying for his lover and child. I hope that isn't too cynical.)

    Shellybabez is coping with the separation and heartbreak by going to Ireland for the weekend and says she's missing Danny terribly, whilst insisting that it is very unfair and nobody knows what Danny is really like.

    I'm afraid we do, as do his victims. What we know is that he was prepared to start and continue an attack where he tried to kick a man to death, which is quite likely to happen when the skull is targetted, although death can follow from other injuries such as splitting a lung open. Why this wasn't charged as attempted murder has been asked before and never satisfactorily answered, but the question here is: why is an 18 month old baby being left within the reach of a violent youth and a young woman who cannot tell the difference between right and wrong?

    Anybody recall the death of Peter Connelly?

  5. "Wonder if it is this Richard Clark of Thirsk, who follows the "I hate police" page."

    It's a bit of a giveaway, isn't it?

    "I suspect these cases have to do with wanting to suppress the real situation, rather than any concerns for the crooks."

    The 'real situation' being..?

    "Why this wasn't charged as attempted murder has been asked before and never satisfactorily answered, but the question here is: why is an 18 month old baby being left within the reach of a violent youth and a young woman who cannot tell the difference between right and wrong?"

    I suspect the depressing excuse to be 'because there's too many of them and we don't have enough foster parent places for all the children'...

    They remember Baby Peter, of course. And if they don't, I'm pretty sure there's another Baby Peter in the wings to remind them.
