Tuesday 12 July 2011

I Sense An Ulterior Motive Here…

The system of forcibly removing people from the UK needs a "complete and radical overhaul", human rights campaigners have said.
Hurrah! At last!

So, you mean you are campaigning for shorter timescales and firmer application of the rules?
Home Secretary Theresa May should introduce monitors on each and every removal flight and reconsider the use of private contractors, Amnesty International UK said.
*sigh* Well, it was too much to hope for, I guess…

And oh, look who’s jumped on the bandwagon:
The campaign was backed by the widow of Angolan national Jimmy Mubenga, who said her husband would still be alive today if independent monitors had been present when he collapsed on a plane at Heathrow Airport while being removed last October.
Actually, love, your husband would still be alive if he hadn’t resisted his perfectly-legal deportation.
Adrienne Makenda Kambana said: "If someone had been monitoring how Jimmy was being treated on that flight, I'm sure he'd still be alive today.

"The other passengers said he was crying out for help.

"The system must change to stop this happening again. No-one should have to go through what me and my family have suffered, and no-one should be treated like my husband was that night in October."
What a pity your husband didn’t worry about how people should be treated when he savagely assaulted a young girl with a broken bottle, which is what led the authorities to wake up and realise he was one of the many, many overstayers in the first place…
Amnesty called for the Government to consider the systems used in other European countries such as Germany where law enforcement personnel are used for enforced returns of individuals, including those who have overstayed their visas and foreign national prisoners.
Oh, really? They never have problems like this? No-one ever dies as a result of law enforcement personnel actions?

Or is that the plan? Tax the overstretched police service still further, wait for the same inevitable death of someone and then throw this record at the authorities and simply demand that no-one is ever forced to leave?


  1. I have always wanted to teabag somebody associated with Amnesty International.

  2. I am sick of this we liberal crap. The law places a duty on members of society to comply with it. That duty still applies when a lawful order/direction is given by a person or body in authority (e.g. police officer or Court or person acting as their agents). This foreign criminal was being removed from the United Kingdom. He was in the UK unlawfully (a criminal act in its own right). He had an obligation to comply with that order. If he didn’t comply the law provides that “reasonable force” may be used. He did not comply and force was used. That was his choice, no one else’s.

    Whenever physical force is used, it is always ugly and unsightly. It is not an exact science and frequently, even with the best will in the world, people get hurt. I don’t mind so much if it’s the transgressor and far prefer it to be the crook rather than the police officer/prison officer/ Border Agency staff etc.

    There is always the possibility that someone will suffer from a medical condition brought on by the physical exertion or stress or suffer an injury from a scratch up to death.

    This man made his choices. He broke UK immigration law. He slashed up a young girl with a broken bottle and when, at long last, being removed from the UK, he struggled with the people lawfully removing him. He worked hard to get his death. It is his fault and no one else’s.

    No sympathy.

  3. @ Anon 09:19
    No sugar for me, please.

    @ Julia. Please look again at the killing of Mr Mubenga.

    Notwithstanding controversy over its association with regimes having abysmal records on human rights, the planet would be a much poorer place without AI. Conscience demands support for it.

  4. Captain Haddock12 July 2011 at 10:00

    " .. should introduce monitors on each and every removal flight and ... "

    I like that idea ..

    Monitors .. FO big Lizards, with a nasty bite ...

    Anonymous said ...

    I have always wanted to teabag somebody associated with Amnesty International.

    Personally, I'd be happy with just Sand-bagging them ..

  5. Home Secretary Theresa May should introduce monitors on each and every removal flight...

    So that's what? Three or four monitors?


  6. Sedate deportees. Job done.

  7. Send 'em Back to where they came from! Clap them in irons and send them back.

    Send back the Blacks to Africa.

    Send back the Pakis to Backwardstan.

    Send back the Slanty Eyed Little Bastards back to Slanty Eyed Little Bastard Land.

    Send back the Huguenots to France.

    Send back the Saxons to Frisia...

  8. "He worked hard to get his death. It is his fault and no one else’s."


    "@ Julia. Please look again at the killing of Mr Mubenga."

    I've looked. What is there to see?

    "I like that idea ..

    Monitors .. FO big Lizards, with a nasty bite ... "

    Heh! A couple of komodos roaming the aisle'd keep 'em quiet, for sure... ;)

    "Sedate deportees. Job done."

    Or send them on Army/Airforce/Navy planes?
