Wednesday 20 July 2011

In Which I Absolve Social Workers Of Blame…

…at least, this time:
Barry Thomas, 64, said he blames social workers for the horrific abuse his 26-year-old daughter Zara suffered from her evil husband David Bell.
Really? Only yesterday, it was somehow all the fault of the employers of this stupid woman…
Mr Thomas added: “…If they had continued to see Zara every month, especially when the baby was born, they would have seen all the bruises.”
And if she’d told them she got them falling over?
Mr Thomas said: “Whenever social services were there, he just took over.

“She was so frightened she never would have said anything to them about the abuse and they never ever saw her when she was on her own.

“Bell was always there watching everything she did and said.”
She had numerous opportunities to tell people what was going on. She didn’t.

Since we don’t currently employ mind-readers as social services staff, I fail to see how they could have prevented this.
When a health visitor called at the couple’s home in Brackley Crescent, Pitsea, to check on the health of mum and her newborn daughter, Bell repeatedly turned them away. He claimed Zara was out when, in fact, she was locked in the couple’s bedroom.
If the SS owe anyone a duty of care, it’s the child in this case. Not the adult.
Zara’s father said: “They need to answer our questions about why they failed to do their job properly.”
Great! Ask away.

But who’s asking Zara why she seems to have no personal responsibility in this herself?


  1. Captain Haddock20 July 2011 at 11:46

    Was Mr Thomas aware of the assaults being inflicted on his daughter ?

    If so, why did he not inform the authorities himself ?

    Or does believing that "everything" is "someone else's" responsibility run in the family ?

  2. “They need to answer our questions about why they failed to do their job properly.”
    Which, translated back into "Hidden Agendish," means "They need to provide us with the ammunition we need to mug the taxpayer for lots of lovely loot."

  3. The only conclusion I can draw from the reactions to things like this is that women are simply incapable of looking after themselves. This seems a bit odd, since most of the women I've known in life have been capable individuals.

    However, thanks to the media, I've learned not to trust my own senses, so I think it's time we put all the women in some kind of protective institutions for life, where they'll be safe.

  4. It's probably a male thing..and no doubt due to the fact that I received no 'Gender Sensitivity' training back when I was at school...


    Is it just me who has an almost uncontrollable to slap Zara fucking senseless? (if she had any 'sense' to slap out)

  5. Its so sad you always see case after case where entirely randomly an evil nasty man will hit them. Its actually really common for men to hit their wives who have not provoked them in any way at all. No wife will subject a husband to years of nagging, threats to leave them and take all their money, or infideltiy

    Women are always innocent and men are always violent monsters who hit them for absolutely no reason whatsoever.

  6. "Or does believing that "everything" is "someone else's" responsibility run in the family ?"

    More than likely. Or, as PT says, 'who has the deepest pockets?'

    " I think it's time we put all the women in some kind of protective institutions for life, where they'll be safe."

    'Get thee to a nunnery!' :)

    "Is it just me who has an almost uncontrollable to slap Zara fucking senseless? "

    No, I could feel my palms itching as I read it too...

    "Women are always innocent and men are always violent monsters who hit them for absolutely no reason whatsoever."

    It's like some immutable law of the modern media...
