Wednesday 20 July 2011

Is It ‘Cos I Is ….?

A shop had its licence revoked following an unauthorised royal wedding street party which ended in a shooting.

Lewisham Council’s licensing committee saw CCTV footage showing the flashes of gunfire on April 29, sending around 600 revellers fleeing down Upper Brockley Road.

Following the melee, pictures showed one man walking calmly down the street, carrying what police claim was a gun.

The Met claims that the road’s Super Cuts shop helped organise the party and cabling was running from the store to power a massive soundsystem.
Naturally, the shopkeeper is incensed at this blackening of his good name:
Super Cuts, whose manager Claudius Johnson laughed throughout the hearing, denied having anything to do with the party and says it will appeal.
Strange, to place so much fail in a justice system you’ve just ridiculed…
Afterwards, Councillor Duwayne Brooks, who was at the party, said he was “disgusted” with the decision.
Hmmm, is that name familiar, or..?

*snaps fingers*

Well, of course!
Cllr Brooks said: “Everything they spoke about is nonsense.

“There’s nothing that shows the shop was involved.”

He added: “Whenever it’s black people, there’s always talk about violence and intimidation.
One of life’s little coincidences, Duwayne..?


  1. "an unauthorised royal wedding street party which ended in a shooting."

    This sentence might just be the best summing up of what is wrong with this cunt-ry that we've seen in a whiles.

    I'm the last person who wanted to celebrate the Royal Wedding but isn't the whole point of such things that there is supposed to be a spontaneous outpouring of jubilation on the part of the Daily Xenophobe reading public.

    "Gawd Bless 'em" and flag wavings? Sickly sweet patriotism and scones?

    Correct me if I'm wrong but I doubt the VE-Day/Her Maj's Coronation Day street parties were AUTHORISED. Did our grandparents have to apply to their council before putting out the bunting? Did they get their trestle tables checked by Health And Safety Officers?

    And then the hysterical reports of a 'shooting' , conjuring up scenes more Tombstone Arizona than Lewisham. Someone may or may not have discharged a weapon, probably a replica and caused a few Grannies to fill their colostomy bags.

    Big deal.

    No doubt the Council will now send a squad of highly trained, and even more highly paid, PTS Therapists to Brockley to help those traumatised by the events...

  2. Captain Haddock20 July 2011 at 10:40

    Duwayne Brooks ... boring .. Yawwwwn

  3. Flaming Patriot20 July 2011 at 10:45

    "One of life’s little coincidences"
    Absolutely right! I mean, there's these nasty ignorant malicious rumours going around based on verified statistical facts that violent crimes are disproportionately committed by blacks. It's just a part of their diversified culture of the blacks.

    But as we all know facts are racist, and should therefore be banned. Any political party that dares suggest protecting the English people from ghetto thugs should also be banned. For our own good, right? ;-)


    Does anyone (Capt.Haddock?) happen to know whether or not Brit Soldiers are allowed to post pictures of prisoners on Face-Ache?

    One of Eldest Useless Object's mates is on the Crown Forces Tour of Backwardistan at the moment and the other night posted, among general pictures of his army mates, a picture of a, cuffed with cable tie, young 'insurgent'.

    I thought, after all the squit, that that sort of thing was forbidden?

  5. Why is it that whenever I read 'Duwayne', I half expect 'drive by' or 'Death Row' to pop up?

  6. Unauthorised Royal Wedding street party?

    Errr, the PM stated you didn't need authorisation ... he said just do it ... so they did.

  7. Captain Haddock20 July 2011 at 11:11

    @ SBC ..

    Whilst I'm by no means an expert on Military Law & by definition, being retired means I'm somewhat out of date ..

    I would imagine that the scenario you describe i.e. persons in Military Custody, is a breach of "OpSec" (Operational Security) .. Which could potentially result in Court Martial .. (assuming of course, that its not a "spoof") ..

  8. Well Duwayne would know all about that wouldn't he? I understand while the Met were supplying him with hire cars and putting him up rent free at an old Met Section House in Greenwich he would barrel the ignition and drive around at night baiting officers and get them to stop him and then nick him for sus theft of the car. It became so bad instruction were circulated which made him virtually untouchable. A nasty liar and race monger of the highest order who has never been properly called to account for many things 'around' the Lawrence matter - even Doreen hates him. I know who I believe in all this and it isn't Duwayne or the laughing Gangsta barber

  9. @ Capt. Haddock, thanks. That's what I thought too. Doesn't look like a spoof as the young man is SMOKING!

    So expect the Army to get sued for cruel and unnatural torture.

  10. Captain Haddock20 July 2011 at 11:32

    @ SBC ..

    "Doesn't look like a spoof as the young man is SMOKING!

    So expect the Army to get sued for cruel and unnatural torture" ...

    Heh, heh .. I can remember the days when a fag & a cuppa was the standard treatment for shock or minor wounds .. as shown in many a training film .. ;)

  11. Why did he open fire? Not enough Gangsta Rap being played at full volume?

    Still, bullets flying doesn't half add to the diversity and vibrancy of London these days.

  12. Captain Haddock20 July 2011 at 17:38

    "Still, bullets flying doesn't half add to the diversity and vibrancy of London these days" ...

    One has to wonder how Dodge City (and other places) managed to get along, without endless multi-culti, diversity training seminars ?

  13. Money for Ol' Rupe20 July 2011 at 21:01

    "Still, bullets flying doesn't half add to the diversity and vibrancy of London these days" ...

    Yes, it must be getting bad - even the Guardianista are starting to notice now.

    (Warning - this article may cause intense Schadenfreude)

  14. Duwayne, the luvvie of the lefties will no doubt have to give evidence at the impending Steven Lawrence trial. Reliable witness?

  15. "This sentence might just be the best summing up of what is wrong with this cunt-ry that we've seen in a whiles."

    Indeed. As Somoking Hot points out, if the PM says you don't need authorisation...

    "A nasty liar and race monger of the highest order who has never been properly called to account for many things 'around' the Lawrence matter..."

    It'll be interesting, as Blueknight notes, to see what part he takes in the upcoming trial, won't it?

    "So expect the Army to get sued for cruel and unnatural torture."


    "Yes, it must be getting bad - even the Guardianista are starting to notice now."

    Ha ha ha!

  16. The frightening thing is Duwayne is a councillor which means people actually voted for him.
    The new trial of those accused of the Steven Lawrence murder is going to be extremely interesting.
