Saturday 16 July 2011

Irresistible Force, Meet Immovable Object….

A mother was ordered not to breastfeed her baby in public because she was in a ‘multicultural building’.
Oh, boy! Angry Exile’s ‘brealots’ are going to have a field day with this one…
Last night Mrs Mitchell condemned council staff, saying it was time people recognised the law which allows nursing mothers to breastfeed in public.
Indeed. So, why didn’t they?

Could it be that the rules of ‘Victimhood Poker’ need to be consulted first?
The mother of two was asking about hiring a babysitter for her two boys when Aaron became hungry and started crying.

She then asked the receptionist if she could use a corner of the room to feed him, but she refused, saying it was a ‘multicultural building’.

Mrs Mitchell, who is married to Neil, 43, a lorry driver, said: ‘She then rang the manager who told me that I couldn’t breastfeed here and to go into the shopping centre’s public toilets instead.

‘A member of the complaints department came down and spoke to the receptionist.

‘But she then told me that I had caused an uproar. I just asked to be allowed a place to feed my crying baby.’
And normally, you would have expected the council harridens to have cleaved to your side like a pride of lionesses, but unaccountably, the dynamic had changed…
Michelle Booth, 38, a friend who was at the civic centre, said: ‘I don’t understand. It’s political correctness gone mad when they’re worried about offending people of other cultures over something so natural.’
Quite. Even the council seem to have realised they’ve misjudged this one:
Last night councillor Shoab Akhtar, of Oldham Council, said: ‘We fully support the right of mothers to breastfeed their children and actively encourage it due to the long-term health benefits it provides.

‘Mrs Mitchell’s disappointing experience has highlighted the need to make all our staff fully aware of our policy and our legal requirements.

‘Staff will be trained in the coming days to ensure this never happens again, and we will be contacting Mrs Mitchell to apologise.

‘Staff should make every reasonable effort to assist a mother’s need to breastfeed, whether she requests the use of a private room or otherwise.’
Hurrah! Retraining for all! That’ll sort it out, won’t it?

Well, until the dynamic shifts again. Oh, well, omelettes and eggs, eh, Cllr Akhtar?


  1. saying it was time people recognised the law

    There's actual proper Law regarding breastfeeding? my gob is well and truly smacked

  2. "Shoab Akhtar" ?

    Now *there's* a fine old mancs name. I mean just saying it conjures up grimy soot blown northern poverty, flap caps and whippet buggering before retiring to 'The Snug' for a half of brawn ale...doesn't it?

    Not so much "there's trouble h'at mill cos some bird has got her knockers out" as "please to be covering your unmentionables"

  3. The good councillor is pretending that all his staff are stupid (fair enough) but so stupid they have all got the policy dead wrong? Er no.

    The light of publicity has been turned on and the cockroaches are running away. For now.

    I have to say, I personally find it very awkward when women overtly breastfeeds (perhaps it's an age thing?) but it's simple enough to discretely avert your gaze and go elsewhere for a shortwhile.

    I rather like the phrase "victim poker" I'll see your breast feeding woman and raise you two devout religous types and a disabled labrador with ADHD"

  4. "Staff will be trained" .....
    What the F**K do they think we are?
    I always thought we trained animals!

  5. It'll happen again and again.

    Too many rules, too many people trying to work out which rule to apply because that's what they are 'trained' to do. Don't think, just open the rule-book. Doesn't work.

  6. That phrase: "multicultural building", really, really bothers me.

  7. "That phrase: "multicultural building", really, really bothers me."

    A multi-culti building has pink painted Stone Walls (!) and manages to face Mecca, nirvana and Babylon all at the same time.

  8. asking permission or doing it in such a way as anyone else is aware is much like shiting in the street, unnecessary! no religion or culture considers breastfeeding wrong, does it?

  9. And a sign in 103 languages on the front door that translates as 'No English or dogs'.

  10. I'm not the only one wondering what the hell a multiculti building is. Spire at one end and a minaret at the other, or would that be multi-faith? Perhaps French cuisine only in the cafeteria, camel racing in the car park, Mexican wrestling in the foyer, German oompah band lift music and no evidence of a single piece of paper written in plain English in the building since 1978?

    The brealots cannot comment until the bits of their heads have been swept up and put back together.

  11. SAofT

    Avert your gaze and walk away! Never! Where's your capitalist spirit? Clearly you should wander up and ask if she'd like to make money by providing supplies for some ice cream you're producing!

  12. @ Snowman

    "And a sign in 103 languages on the front door that translates as 'No English or dogs'."

    You obviously don't speak no 'foreign', do you? What it actually says is: N O S M O K I N G!! BY ORDER! HEIL BLAIR!..and then in small letters 'Won't you please think of the cheeeldrenz?'

  13. And in all the comments in various places I didn't see one muslim one agreeing with the receiptionist. All muslim commentators were calling the receiptionist a stupid bint for stopping the mother from breastfeeding. In fact in middle eastern countries, breastfeeding is carried out a lot more freely than here in the UK with our up tight attitude to sex.

  14. @SadButMadLad, fek'sactly, said under a blanket in the woods.

  15. I wonder what would happen if said mother was smoking while breastfeeding in the street ;) errrrrr.... bunn her! kill it!!!

  16. yes yes, that was meant to be BURN HER, at a stake, in the middle of town, while handing out tomatoes and rocks


  17. The law does not need sorting out. It is quite clear: Children under the age of 13 are unable to consent to sex. irrespective as to whether they are "mature" enough. few males of an age greater than 16 do not know this.The footballers almost certainly did. The appeal court did not quash the sentences, they SUSPENDED them and released the men. Still guilty. Convicted rapists. Not much future in football now, nor much chance of visiting quite a few countries.

  18. errr anon wrong post?!? unable, unwilling or legally prevented from? I would suggest able, often willing and while clearly legally prevented from, whatever the age of consent is considering someone a rapist when another has given informed consent is morally flawed.

    I'm very glad that 12 year old girls throwing themselves at me or each other is not either a turn on or something I would encourage in my own offspring, curoius perhaps how so many parents seem to find this behaviour preferable and/or incorrigible.

  19. Edit for reasons of Righteousness:
    "yes yes, that was meant to be BURN HER, at a stake, in the middle of town, while handing out organic, free range, Fair Trade, carbon neutral and Soil Assoc. approved tomatoes and rocks"

    And the fiery immolation should of course use a symbolic flame as smoking bodies in public are illegal and 2d hand faggot smoke causes CANCER. I suggest the Auto de Fe be electrically powered...electricity from renewable energy of course.

  20. "There's actual proper Law regarding breastfeeding? "

    Oh, indeed! Another of Labour's little gifts to the nation.

    ""Shoab Akhtar" ?

    Now *there's* a fine old mancs name. "

    Isn't it just?

    "I have to say, I personally find it very awkward when women overtly breastfeeds (perhaps it's an age thing?) but it's simple enough to discretely avert your gaze and go elsewhere for a shortwhile. "

    Exactly! But in the new society wrought by the Righteous, tolerance is only ever supposed to run one way...

    "It'll happen again and again.

    Too many rules, too many people trying to work out which rule to apply because that's what they are 'trained' to do."

    And anyone pointing out the logical fallacy of not expecting those rules to all contradict one another will have to repeat the training!

  21. "That phrase: "multicultural building", really, really bothers me."

    I suspect it's a learned phrase; it must be on a hell of a lot of council documentation, if so.

    "Clearly you should wander up and ask if she'd like to make money by providing supplies for some ice cream you're producing!"


    "And in all the comments in various places I didn't see one muslim one agreeing with the receiptionist."

    In pretty much 70% of these cases, if not 80%, it's been white middle class Righteous 'interpreting' offence for and on behalf of others.

    " I suggest the Auto de Fe be electrically powered...electricity from renewable energy of course."

    'The public burning at the stake has been cancelled due to inclement weather'

  22. Aren't all buildings multi-cultural? Surely if a building isn't it must exclude a category of person and that would be illegal? Or does it only count when it's a minority usage building?

  23. I once saw a female building, does that count?

  24. I could tell it was female it had great big tits on it ;)

  25. someone had covered them up with traffic cones to protect her dignity, but I could see round the side they were massive, how very thoughtful, lol

  26. I've got some pics, wanna see?

  27. Just for you Mike, a touch of Not the Nine O'Clock News... (unfortunately I couldn't find it on youtube so just try adding an increasingly hysterical French accent when reading it)

    "Unorthodox? Who would not be unorthodox in a country like this where everyone is so repressed? Prince Charles, he gets married in Saint Paul's, that's this enormous tittie! The biggest tittie in the world! And who mentions it? No one. No one!

    Potty? Of course I am potty! Who would not be a potty in a country where the Houses of Parliament are erected in the shadow of something called Big Ben, that every hour says "dong"!

    Who would not be sex-mad in a country where they erect an enormous phallus in the centre of London, and call it Nelson's Column? Nelson's Column? Pah! It is Nelson's Willy! That's what it is, Nelson's Willy! A huge, massive private part exposed to the air, penetrating the skies in the hope that the union will produce another Nelson... with another phenomenally large willy! And people say the Post Office Tower - Post Office Tower? Pah! It is the Post Office Prick!
