Saturday 16 July 2011

Stony Stratford, Your Boy Is Going To Take A Hell Of A Beating!*

Today, Dick Puddlecote, Devil's Kitchen, Misanthrope Girl and others will all be assembling under the glare of the media to point out to representative of the people raging egomaniac Cllr Bartlett that he's a waste of skin.

And to the voters of Stony Stratford that yes, there is such a thing as bad publicity, and perhaps it might be an idea if they gave prospective councillors an IQ test before voting for them in future.

This blog is with them in spirit, even if its author is a committed non-smoker.

Because as Leg-Iron is always pointing out, smoking's just the start...

* Note: not to be taken literally...


  1. Fuck that, he deserves a beating. TAKE THE DISCLAIMER DOWN! :o)

  2. I hope they win and a by-law is passed because this is the only way I can see that even the most idiotic hard core anti-smoking NIMBYS will come to see how pathetic, scientifically flawed and oppressive their particular cause is.

  3. The way it's pissing down at the moment they'll be working miracles if they manage to light a fag, never mind keep it going....

  4. "Fuck that, he deserves a beating. TAKE THE DISCLAIMER DOWN! :o)"


    I could point out that it looks like he was beaten often and regularly at school...

    "...because this is the only way I can see that even the most idiotic hard core anti-smoking NIMBYS will come to see how pathetic, scientifically flawed and oppressive their particular cause is."

    No, they won't. You don't give vicious dogs a taste of blood to wean them off it, do you?

    "The way it's pissing down at the moment they'll be working miracles if they manage to light a fag..."

    The Great British Summer, folks... :(

  5. No Julia, but if you put a salt laden meat out for it, it enevitably pukes as a concequnce of its stupidity and greed.

  6. and probably eats the puke!

  7. why do you think it is that the pubs that have provided the most comfortable and legaly compliant smoking areas are the ones that remain in business and often do best?

  8. also often patronised by many non smokers and their families spending the most money on both food and drinks. thankfuly avoided by anti smokers who can't keep their opinions to themselves

  9. last time I came across a vicious dog baying for my blood I rammed my fist down its throat, grabbed its stomach and removed everything that I could keep hold of. It didn't seem to be desperate to do anything much then.
