Sunday 7 August 2011

For The 6785th Time….

…if you can’t look after your children, don’t have them:
A YouGov survey of more than 2,000 parents found a quarter of parents thought children were more likely to be neglected in the holidays than term time, when they can receive meals and supervision at school.
Have we really reached the stage where, when the State closes up shop for a long holiday, feckless parents can’t be bothered to feed their kids?

Or is this exaggeration?
The poll, commissioned by the charity Action for Children, found one in seven parents were so worried about other people’s children being neglected that they gave them food, while one in 10 offered them a bed.
Ah. Right. So, they wouldn’t be gilding the lily a little, just to ensure that that flowof government cash keeps on coming?
The charity’s chief executive, Clare Tickell, said: "No child should ever feel lonely, hungry or worthless, but once the school gates have closed for the summer holidays that is exactly how many of the 1.5 million neglected children in Britain are left feeling.

The Government must help to tackle neglect within families, and give councils a clear signal not to cut play schemes and activities for children in the summer holidays - they may look like easy cuts to make but they are vital for our most vulnerable children, and their families.”
The only ‘help’ the government needs to give is to make it harder for people to have kids they don’t want and can’t afford.


  1. The answer must be ..shorter school holidays? Or keep them open 24/7 like normal businesses and parents can take kids out for the normal 5 week entitlement incl 1 week at Christmas.

  2. No, I think the answer is stopping pandering to these people altogether. They aren't going to change while the State props up their lifestyle, if it can be termed that.

    It's certainly no life for the kids.
