Sunday 7 August 2011

Schadenfreude Overload!

A six-year-old boy was knocked down by Southend Council's CCTV car in the shared space on the seafront.
Ahahahahahahahahaha! Who knew this could happen?
Southend Council has said it is looking into the circumstances of the collision and will make a full statement later.
I bet it doesn’t amount to ‘Ooops!’…


  1. Hopefully they'll have good footage of the actual accident. Or what's the betting that those few seconds will be mysteriously missing?

  2. *wonders if there is word for schadenfreude in German*

  3. Captain Haddock7 August 2011 at 18:01

    I think this is probably the first time I'd be prepared to support someone if they decided to sue the council for compensation ..

    This was entirely foreseeable and therefore, avoidable ..

    Hope the lad wasn't too badly hurt ..

  4. Ihre Schadenfreude, Liebling?

    JuliaM response to a young woman's filmed distress:

    "Heh! Love the outraged female (?) screeching for the cops to show some chivalry while using language that’d make a docker blush…"

    Copyright of Gadget Rabble.

  5. Julia, I'm surprised at you! This is a serious (snork!) matter, not something to titter about, (fnaar!)
    It could have been a tragedy and...

    Burble, splutter...


  6. "Hopefully they'll have good footage of the actual accident. Or what's the betting that those few seconds will be mysteriously missing?"

    Hard to say, I'm not sure the cameras are on permanent record.

    "*wonders if there is word for schadenfreude in German*"


    "Ihre Schadenfreude, Liebling?"

    Absolutely! What a fragrant flower of womanhood she was, eh?
