Monday 8 August 2011

I Predict A Riot...In Tulse Hill!

Detectives are hunting a gunman after a teenager was shot dead outside a block of flats.

The 18-year-old was blasted four times before his attackers sped away in a car from the estate in Tulse Hill, south London.

Murder police are investigating claims that the shooting, which occurred on Monday night, was part of a gangland hit.
Oh, no! We all know what this means, right?
Scotland Yard's Operation Trident unit, which investigates gun crime in London's black communities, is investigating.
Well, there's bound to be riots, and shops looted, and people congregating outside the homes of known gangs, forcing them out and smashing them up.


Or, does that only happen when one of the gangsters is shot by the police, and never by fellow gang members?

Food for thought....


  1. No there won't be a riot, but there will be demands for the police to 'do something'.

    It's always someone else's fault.

  2. SO many lessons to be learned. If the Old Bill did nothing - my preferred option so they can cull themsleves - than da commoonitteee wil be out demanding action and boy do these people know their rights and entitlements, especially to an FLO and the cost of any funerals being paid for by anyone but themselves. Trident used to have a budget for flowers - probably not anymore and a tec I knew who worked a Trident squad said some of the families loved the attention - bizarre bastards!
    My real worry is - are there enough pastors, yoof workers and commoonitteee leaders to go around with all did shootin' and robbin' ting goin' on?
    I know there's plenty of cloned acpo talking heads to spout bollox every couple of hours on 24hr rolling news!

  3. Captain Haddock8 August 2011 at 09:44

    "Or, does that only happen when one of the gangsters is shot by the police, and never by fellow gang members" ?

    I think, sadly but predictably .. you've answered your own question Julia ..

  4. I love the BBC's tagline for Trident, which is that it investigates gun crime in the "African and Caribbean communities".

    Most of the people involved have never been anywhere near Africa or Kingston, Jamaica. It's just silly little boys who have been brought up badly and schooled worse.

    Don't you just love the results of socialism?

  5. No need for riots. This is not the result of social injustice (i.e, white supremacy) but boys being boys.

    It's the culture, innit?

    The witless socialists feel less able to make a mountain out of a molehill here, and there are no predictions (such as I saw among the nonsense on one lefty blog) that we are about to see a 'proletarian revolution' as the disaffected working class finally rise up against the injustices of the evil capitalists.

    Sadly, stealing trainers and nicking plasma TVs is not the downtrodden rising up at long last in order to allow socialists to masturbate in delight. Nor is a bunch of uneducated slobs shooting a kid the start of the heaven on earth of more socialism.

    All that happens is that ordinary, decent people of any race turn away from those areas, shops and businesses close, jobs disappear and the thugs swagger about looking for 'respect'

    Enoch Powell said something about the likelihood of all this years ago, and no doubt if there is a heaven he and others like him are looking down and saying: 'I hate to say I told you so, but...'

  6. Enoch's Ghost, the problem with your position is that it has very little to do with race and immigration and very much to do with the way that the welfare state and education system has encouraged people to get stuck.

    You are right about businesses moving away from shitholes though. Will Maccy D's and Footlocker bother throwing much good money near Brixton again?

  7. At the risk of starting a pointless discussion, Blue Eyes, the two aspects of immigration and left-wing 'social engineering' are not unrelated. Of course there are poor areas of the UK where there are few immigrants though I would suggest increasingly there are not many of them. Cheap housing in undesirable areas soon start to become ghettos.

    A large number of people have been infiltrated (or dumped, depending on your view) into to British society. The act has been dressed up as being socially vibrant and necessary for our welfare, but when the initial rush of West Indian immigrants -- who were willing to work in the shittier areas of Britain's industries in the 40s and 50s -- settled down their third generation offspring began to show less inclination to do what their grandparents had done.

    Powell, et al, predicted social unrest. Possibly he didn't see that whole swathes of economic migrants, east Europeans via the corrupt EU and those who really want to live in an Islamic society were thrown into the mix, you have increasing problems of employment and outlook.

    The socialist knee-jerk reaction was to bend the rules for these groups, condemn the native whites for their errors and promise things that could not be delivered.

    These socialist 'initiatives' (and they very much include educashun, educashun) have drivena series of wedges into what we have here. I would doubt it was wonderful in the past, but we are increasingly seeing sections of society who have no roots here and those with no ambition to integrate now start to make waves.

    Waves that seem to have more fire than water.

    Thing is though, no matter what they all appear to want the latest TV sets. Ideally without paying.

    (Side note: Al-Beeb won't report it but all those free TVs will have gone out without licence fee documentation... OMG, they will be losing revenue...)

  8. Well they do dispense their own justice which seems to keep them happy and saves on costs as well.

    Plods Trident seems to be taking a long time to not really do much. I'm sure if we armed them all with Uzi's the problem would sort itself out.

  9. " If the Old Bill did nothing - my preferred option so they can cull themsleves - than da commoonitteee wil be out demanding action and boy do these people know their rights and entitlements.."

    It's about time they were stripped of those.

    I note comparatively little fuss was made in the media of the man shot dead in Croydon. We can all read between the lines to see why...

    "Don't you just love the results of socialism?"

    Not much, no! :)

    "Will Maccy D's and Footlocker bother throwing much good money near Brixton again?"

    Probably. The big stores can afford to do so. The smaller, locally-owned shops though, they will flee.

    "Side note: Al-Beeb won't report it but all those free TVs will have gone out without licence fee documentation... OMG, they will be losing revenue..."

