Monday 8 August 2011


The modern trope of the perceived sexualisation of our children continues apace with the US launch of Bebé Glotón ('greedy baby'), a doll that children can 'breastfeed' and burp. Bebé comes with a special bib for the child to wear – two flowers modestly represent the nipples – and when the sensors in the doll's mouth come close to those in the bib, it makes suckling sounds and motions. Once fed, Bebé Glotón will cry until it is burped.
Well, that’s a big improvement on a Cabbage Patch doll, I suppose…
A lot of people are really rather unhappy with this doll. Fox News host Bill O'Reilly has said it is inappropriate for children and his view is shared by several parenting forums, who've registered their disgust.
Oh, lord…
In response, Berjuan has put up an item on its website called 'God supports the Breast Milk Baby', citing the oft-seen image of the Virgin Mary suckling an infant Jesus Christ. So there.
Stay classy, Spaniards!
The doll is entering a crowded marketplace: we already have dolls that crawl, dolls that pee and poo, and even ones that cry, giggle and creepily whisper, 'I love you'. The toy industry has covered almost every baby function; why not have a breastfeeding doll? Children are role-playing pros anyway, adept at mimicking behaviour they see from their adults all the time. They already feed and soothe their dolls using baby bottles, so how different is it if this time, it involves a little bit of sensor technology?
Well, quite! Thought I think one commenter’s request for an ejaculating Action Man might be taking things a little too far, though...
The issue, of course, lies in the dual identity of breasts, at once performing a basic feeding function and yet also a sign of sexual maturity. But it's just play. And anyway, aren't there far more disturbing images out there to warp our children's tiny minds?
Oh, you’re certainly not wrong about that..!


  1. Danny: My partner's got a really good idea for making dolls. His name's 'Presuming Ed'. His sister give him the idea. She got a doll on Christmas what pisses itself.

    Withnail: Really.

    Danny: Then you've got to change its draws for it. Horrible really but they like that, the little girls. So we're going to make one that shits itself too.

    Withnail: Shits itself!?

    Danny: He's an expert. He's building the prototype now.

  2. I can top your story of the woman breast feeding her 3 year old:

    I haven't shortened the URL so you can see what it's about.

    The photo is worth seeing if you want nightmares tonight- and for the rest of your life.

  3. The only thing that seriously bothers me is the two flowers. If they want to have a breast feeding baby they should have breasts, otherwise all these kids will grow up very confused when they see a garden.

  4. Captain Haddock8 August 2011 at 10:57

    "Though I think one commenter’s request for an ejaculating Action Man might be taking things a little too far" ..

    I suppose it adds a whole new meaning to "Cum-on Men, follow me" ... ;)

  5. ... aren't there far more disturbing images out there to warp our children's tiny minds?

    Someone's not seen Pregnancy Barbie. And incidentally, how the hell did that happen? Is Ken straight after all?

  6. @AE 'Someone's not seen Pregnancy Barbie. And incidentally, how the hell did that happen? Is Ken straight after all?'

    "Though I think one commenter’s request for an ejaculating Action Man might be taking things a little too far" ..

    Go figure!

  7. Personally I'm waiting for dolls with a built in (cigarette) smoke detector that wheeze asthmatically and then winge pitifully

    "PleeeEEEEaaaase stop smoking Mommy, I don't want you to die'

    Somewhat amazed Dreadful Arnott hasn't spoken to Mattell yet.

    Or maybe the NSPCC could design a doll that built in wifi that emails Childline if you drop it.

    Or even a doll that detects the holders's age by taking a genetic sample and if you're an adult it sends your genetic code to Anti-Paedo Branch.

    The possibilities are endless. Fake charities need to get on the bandwagon.

    *educational* toys are where's it's at!

  8. I am haunted by the mental picture of what three years of continual sucking might have done. Chapel hat pegs probably does not come near it

  9. "So we're going to make one that shits itself too."

    Well, we've already got toy pets that need to be poop scooped!

    "The photo is worth seeing if you want nightmares tonight- and for the rest of your life."


    "..all these kids will grow up very confused when they see a garden."


    "Personally I'm waiting for dolls with a built in (cigarette) smoke detector that wheeze asthmatically..."

    You should patent that, quick!
