Monday 8 August 2011

Errrr, Yes, Well….

The mayor of Castle Point has criticised road signs designed by children outside a primary school.
Criticised them for what?

Well, for….looking like they were drawn by children.

Yes, really:
She said: “The signs look like they were designed by children and while I commend them for doing this, they do look amateurish. It could be confusing to drivers what they mean. I think they also distract attention from other signs.”
They look ‘amateurish’ because they were drawn by amateurs. That’s the whole point of them.



  1. Children designing road signs is a wonderful example of asking the unprepared to do complex things.

    I like that kids feel they are doing interesting lessons and as someone who likes to draw, I am all for art, but most road signs (where needed, and councils are notorious for putting up hundreds of unnecessary road signs) have to be understood quickly.

    There is a reason why road signs are uniform and have obvious symbolism. 'Fun' road signs really don't add a lot to the task of driving. Oh, and if the council used the standard sticky-back material to create the signs (advantage: long lasting, weatherproof, permanent. Disadvantage: costs a bloody small fortune for each one) then their pockets will be so much lighter.

    Never mind; the locals will happily cough up more cash.

  2. AS far as I remember, because they are not the "British standard", they are also not enforcable.

  3. I would nor think it was genuine if I drove past it.

    Speed signs need to be the same, all over the country.

    Asking 'little persons' (we're not allowed to call them children anymore) to do the work of an adult is a sad reflection of how childish Councils have become.

  4. XX (we're not allowed to call them children anymore)XX

    Thats O.K. I don't. I prefer "Little BASTARD" myself.

    Unless they are obnoxious fuckers, then I can get real nasty about it.

  5. Uhh, that's why he used the word "do" in they do look amateurish

    Not so hot on your words now eh

  6. 'He' is a she, anon. Now who's not so hot on their words..?

  7. The colours on the one they showed put me in mind of the kind of sign that says something like 'Flowers, next lay-by, 400 yds on left', or possibly a car boot or something.

  8. "There is a reason why road signs are uniform and have obvious symbolism."

    Yes, but the familiar is also ignored easily. And these are in addition, not a replacement for.
