Monday 8 August 2011

Are You Sure..?

Hmmm, really?

Some other headlines from the same paper:

Safe as houses!


  1. Are any of those incidents any different than the "theft" perpetrated by this excuse for a human being?

  2. It will down to good fortune if the next 24 hours pass without reports of the first sniper casualties.

  3. Captain Haddock8 August 2011 at 18:59

    There's none so blind as those who refuse to see ...

  4. From the BBC tonight:

    2108: Aerial footage is showing what the BBC believes is a large furniture store on a street corner in Croydon completely ablaze.

    2104: Peter Truman, a reporter at the Croydon Guardian, tells the BBC most people in Croydon have just gone indoors and shut their doors, and the main reaction is shock.

    2058: Aerial footage is now showing several fires burning in Croydon, south London.

    JuliaM, your prescience amazes me...

  5. Julia, you are bang on the money. Although on a different post in a different place I suggested it would kick off in Birmingham, - before I knew that it had.

  6. There's none so blind as those who have ransacked an opticians, walked off with a load of frames and then realized that they don't have their prescription lenses in them.

  7. Just coming through about car-jackings and burglaries across London during the night too! I've said so many times but I'll say it again - Croydon is such a shithole.

  8. Is anyone really surprised by last night. As Julia says and has been saying for a long time the majority are walking around in a daze, make excuses for and are afraid to say what is right in front of them for fear of being branded racist, sexist, ageist whichwhatever. The police have for too long been focused on and overreacted to manufactured issues rather than addressing the first business of the police that is protection of the public.

    So this will go on, escalate until we are allowed to arm ourselves for protection and supported in using reasonable force to protect ourselves and our property especially in our own homes and business. I've said it before and I'll say it again I'd rather do time protecting my home, business, family and myself from attempted criminal activity than become part of the growing herd of sheep this is food for the feral scum or rely on the police who have failed, are failing and will continue to FAIL.

  9. The Gruinad are on the ball. No rioting in Britain....

  10. "Are any of those incidents any different than the "theft" perpetrated by this excuse for a human being?"

    Only in the violence...

    "JuliaM, your prescience amazes me..."

    Sometimes I amaze myself!

    "There's none so blind as those who have ransacked an opticians, walked off with a load of frames and then realized that they don't have their prescription lenses in them."


    "The Gruinad are on the ball. No rioting in Britain...."

    Heh! Guido reported that they shut up early yesterday as the rioting... sorry, I meant 'expressions of dissatisfaction by disadvantaged youths' got a little too close for comfort.
