Tuesday 9 August 2011

Open Thread

I’ve pushed back all my scheduled posts today, I just can’t seem to work up any bile for the usual rash of benefit thieves and dangerous dog owners and third world doctors being allowed to practice.

Not today. Not when I’ve seen the sort of things I had to watch last night on Sky (I couldn’t bear the BBC, Sky was bad enough, god knows..).

This image is being held up as something to be proud of - cops helping a woman to leap from a burning building.

Is anyone going to bother pointing out that they wouldn't have to do that if they hadn't been ordered by their spineless, useless, politically-correct career politician 'leaders' to hold back and let the scum burn buildings?

The PM and London Mayor have flown back from holiday to join the useless chorus of 'we must work with the community' and 'it's terrible, but that's 'deprivation and poverty' for you'.

The spark that gave the excuse for all this looks like being the gift that keeps on giving, with this report in the 'Metro':
The dead man’s fiancée, Semone Wilson, 29, the mother of three of his four children, said: ‘As soon as this came out in the news, the IPCC called me and said it had not been confirmed. But if it is true, trust me, the police are going to get it. We will be suing them because they effectively executed him.’
No, you stupid woman (mother? Hah! A cat's a better mother...), he executed himself.

His worthless lifestyle, such as it was, was never going to end in anything other than a bullet, whether from a policeman's gun or one of his fellow street rat gangsta 'homies'.

The problem is not one dead street scum. The problem, as we saw last night, in not enough dead street scum. They should have been shot in the streets where they burned and looted last night.

And the problem is also one of 30 years of progressive politics, softly-softly policing, politically-correct education systems that churn out unemployable youths and pandering to sections of the community that now feel it's their god-given right to do as they please. Encouraged by the progressive elite, of course.

Well, sadly, it's not the progressive elite's houses and businesses burned and looted to the ground.

Sadly, it never is....


  1. As usual you have put into words what most right minded people are thinking but can not articulate.

    Its your words that should be splashed across the headlines of national papers not the simpering, apologist and sensationalist rubbish that's printed these days.

  2. I was reminded of a preview trailer I saw recently in the local picture house - Rise of the Planet of the Apes.
    In the film, creatures are transported from their natural surroundings for an experiment, and then proceed to run amok in a city centre.
    Obviously this is utterly, utterly different, since in the film clip they weren't after a free plasma tv or a pair of converse trainers.

  3. "Well, sadly, it's not the progressive elite's houses and businesses burned and looted to the ground.

    Sadly, it never is...."

    Don't speak too soon, Julia. The cheek-by-jowl nature of 'deprived' and 'wealthy' areas in cities means you're never more than a ten minute journey(by BMX or stolen car) from one extreme to the other. I've heard that a residential street in Ealing was 'steamed' last night, and I know for a fact that in leafy Sutton Coldfield (the Royal Borough of)up here in the WMids, there were gangs of 'da yoot'from nearby Handsworth cycling aimlessly up and down the high street at 7 am this very morning. Perhaps they were just waiting for the 'out of school activity centre' to open, so they could slake their thirst for knowledge and gain some useful life skills in their spare time, but perhaps not. Granted, the Polly Toynbees of the world are fairly safe, but the bien-pensant urban middle classes are about to get a dose of reality right where it'll do them the most good.

  4. My advice, tool up. Gather your thoughts and family, expect the worst, move if you have to because stuff can be replaced but a life gone is irreplaceable.

    Find another Australia and ship the scum there, an island infested with wasps, ship them FOC and leave them to their own filth.

    We all know who is responsible for last night and the police, politicians simply don't care and/or FAIL.

  5. The last 4 years has shown the economic consequences of embracing decades of left wing and other assorted loonies policies now we are being shown the social cost.

  6. Everyone, from the politicians to MSM to bloggers, do seem to be getting their knickers in a twist about these 'Riots' (and, lets be honest, they are pretty poor excuses for riots at that).


    There have always been riots and there always will be. You can't have people living on top of each other for a long time without them.

    Poverty, oppression, loss of civil liberties and the council closing the day care centres for Elderly Black Amputee Lesbians...all that plays a role but only in the timeline, it isn't the cause. Nor is a lack of respect in todays Yuff the cause. Actually the youth of today is just as respectful as the youth of yesterday was... towards those who earn it's respect.

    The cause is too many people trying to live together in a , relatively, small space.

    In the old days we used to hang the ring leaders, now we give them counseling and free wide screen plasma tv's.

    It doesn't actually make any difference....the next riot is only a generation away at most.

  7. According to a friend who lives uncomfortably near the scene, these mobs are largely made up of teenagers and children.

    That is what is hamstringing the Police as much as anything - how can they use tear gas or water cannon if there's a risk a child could be injured? Think of the mob reaction to that one.

    These are the children who believe themselves untouchable, thanks to an education ideology that prevents any adult ever restraining them in any way for fear of prosecution for assault.

  8. Every smashed window, every burnt out car, every destroyed building means that people will move away. Businesses and shops in those 'troubled' parts of a town will go elsewhere, jobs disappear -- and heaven knows the retail industry is the only work a lot of people can get in some parts of the UK -- and the so-called deprived areas get even more deprived.

    Insurance rates will rise, and the knock on effect is that so will the cost of everything in shops. The 'clean up' will allow councils and the government to charge more or raise taxes to pay for it.

    But it will never be the same because we know the rabble can do it again, and there are no penalties, no consequences for them.

    In the long term, the police may be armed and perhaps curfews and martial law imposed. It won't be the scum who are troubled too much as they never are, but it will affect ordinary people.

    The fault of all this now lies squarely with the left-leaning, rabble-rousing 'smash the Feds' lefties, supported by the chattering champagne socialists and the stupid, gullible and biased media led by the mentally corrupt likes of the Guardian and the BBC. The ridiculous EU and the waves of 'human rights' legislation with our colourless, supine and selfish leaders (of any party) have together toiled to erode life and diminish hope.

    We have successively elected the feeble and the shallow and all the while listened to the unthinking chatter of the idiots and unintelligent, and this is what it is coming to. This is what the life-haters and the freedom-despisers wanted for so long. Oh they will bleat they did not really want mayhem, but they never thought about the consequences of encouraging the underclass and allowing them power.

    But it is the power of terror and while it has no long term future, the damage to the human spirit -- the human spirit of proud and careful and thoughtful people -- is incalculable.

    Thank you socialism. Thank you BBC. Thank you EU. And above all thank you politicians. Fuck you all, sideways.

    mentality of the scum has been allowed to rise up.

  9. Not sure about the too many people living on top of each other theory, look at Tokyo or many other mega cities that, yes have their troubles but rarely if ever see the kind of behaviours we saw last night and see day in day out in some way shap or form.

    Again, tool up, its the only way that if this madness is not delt with by the authorities you may have a chance to survive when its no longer on telly and at your front door.

  10. Given the circumstances, I can understand why a slip of EDL is showing this morning, JuliaM.

    A brave decision to bring in the Army to deal with an 'out of control situation' was not taken. It was properly a political decision but cowardice at senior levels has resulted in chaos.

    Prepare for manipulative police, set to exploit openings to acquire routine arming and reverse budget cuts. However there is also a golden opportunity for law abiding citizens. Here is real motivation to address decades of useless policing and government.

    (Watch this space for EDL versus Protectorate in emergent politics.)

  11. Twenty_Rothmans9 August 2011 at 10:02

    You don't need to look far to see the usual suspects, http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/uknews/law-and-order/8630533/Riots-the-underclass-lashes-out.html
    blaming the white middle classes for this.

    What the hell is a 'community' anyway, and if it does exists, why didn't the 'community' damp this down by now? What sort of masturbation makes one think that 'working with the community' will improve things, given the efficacy of 'the community' so far?

    Pull the Plod back and let the handwringers 'engage' with the 'young people' face to face. I'd give my left testicle with no anaesthesia to watch Livingstone, Abbott and Riddell mauled by a baying mob.

    But only if I can tape it in HD to watch over and over again.

    Semone Wilson, 29, the mother of three of his four children
    This miscegenated piece of dirt has managed to fling his worthless DNA into another four potential neuroscientists.

    Have you ever noticed that nobody's mentioned his occupation yet?

  12. "
    mentality of the scum has been allowed to rise up."

    It always does, that's what scum does. Scum rises to the surface and the dregs sink to the bottom.

    Perfectly natural process, a perfectly natural REPEATING process.

    There was a time when the 'London Mob' didn't mean the Krays and Gordon's wasn't just a really good gin.

  13. There wasn't much looting in New Orleans after the hurricane because the shopkeepers were armed. The State has disarmed the public and armed itself with Dum-Dum bullets in the case of the Met who shot dead a minor low-life out of hand and (possibly) lied about being shot at as a justification to do it. Now the public bears the fall-out. This may as well have been scripted, and probably was. You need us to save you from all this mayhem say the very people who caused it and who will benefit from more powers. The ACPO resignations and hacking is forgotten - save us, save us, cry the plebs.

  14. Twenty_Rothmans9 August 2011 at 10:11


    I'm in Ealing and am tiring of the sirens - they've been going all night.

    >the bien-pensant urban middle classes are about to get a dose of reality right where it'll do them the most good.
    Regrettably, they live in our midst. Whenever I see a Guardian reader on the Tube, I stare down my nose at him as though he's thumbing through kiddie porn.

  15. Mike, I may be wrong but the last major riots in Japan are still within living memory, just.

    And I'd lay money that within the next generation or so major cities there will once again burn....'Flowers Of Edo'.

  16. "Whenever I see a Guardian reader...he's thumbing through kiddie porn"

    you mean 'Child Abuse Pictures' I think you'll find.

    ...according to the Guardianistas anyways.

  17. Flaming Patriot9 August 2011 at 10:14

    Very sad, and you hit the nail right on the head.

    The only good thing that can come out of this is the political will to do what's necessary in future, not what's politically correct. The blacks are the problem. We knew it all along, we shouted it from the rooftops, people like you and I blogged, nobody listened, but now everybody knows it. Even some of the liberals (although they won't admit it).

    Maybe PC is on its deathbed today, we can close the borders, and we can send these monkeys back to the jungle they came from. Good riddance.

  18. SBC, prepared to accept that most if not all big cities have had riots, troubles stc but there are some where the scum that did what they did would not survive or be tollerated. They are to all intents and purposes unable to opperate as we saw last night. Some cities end up with shanty towns on the verges, I've seen the steaming of Copcobana beach up close and personal.

    I don't care what trouble it brings my way, but in my own home and business you will find me ready and tooled up, a go bag to hand. I aviod the scum we all know, it is not my responsibility or job to confront them and btw they are not all black. Be safe, all of you because I am confident we are watching the end of days.

  19. ”The blacks are the problem. We knew it all along...”

    Except the pictures of the looters tell a very different story. White, brown, black, and every shade in between...

  20. I'm almost too angry to post today.All you keyboard rattlers/armchair warriors that criticise the police at every turn are now on the front line yourselves.All you liberals that wanted the "killer" PC of Ian Tomlinson hung drawn and quartered are now reaping what you have sown.
    Imagine if a PC today pushes a BLACK looter over and he bangs his head and dies? I'm not prepared to have trial by media and go to jail to protect JD Sports.
    Oh by the way MTG,when these riots spread to Huddersfield,will you mind awfully if the police protect your street?

  21. ", but in my own home and business you will find me ready and tooled up, a go bag to hand."


    If I still lived in London/major city then that'd be me too.

  22. "will you mind awfully if the police protect your street?"

    *SNORK*...if only they would. These 'riots' may have been somewhat lame as riots go but if nothing else they have shown that the police can't protect any street.

    Although I take your point about what if you pushed over a black teenager. Youd be publically cruicfied.

    I, for one, am waiting with baited breath for the outcome of whatever investigation into the original shooting.

    I have the horrible feeling that once again it'll be a case of police officers being the last people on earth who should be trusted with guns.

  23. Jaded, no one, NO ONE asked for this! If the police cannot correctly identify the difference between the feral scum and a probably dim ner do well newspaper seller, making his way home, again probably a bit pissed with his hands in his pockets then leave. Get another job where your decisions and authority to exercise discretion, attitude to the public are not skills or experience that are a basic pre requisite for the job.

    Don't you dare and try to tell me what a difficult job bieng a copper is, just fucking do it or leave!

  24. Captain Haddock9 August 2011 at 11:10

    For me "Lost Voice" has hit the nail fairly & squarely on the head ..

    What will be interesting is IF the Met decides to ban the Notting Hill Carnival (which let's face it, has always been a good excuse for certain elements to create mayhem) ..

    I can't see "Winston" or "Leroy" or "Junior" being too HP if their annual opportunity for "taxing" by steaming & mugging is denied them ..

    There is ample potential there, for the champagne-socialists & Grauniad hand-wringers to become more intimately aquainted with the reality than they might wish ..

  25. Captain Haddock9 August 2011 at 11:14

    "Oh by the way MTG,when these riots spread to Huddersfield,will you mind awfully if the police protect your street" ?

    Relax "Jaded" .. if that should happen it will cause all of 7/6d worth of damage & probably a vast improvement ..

  26. "if that should happen it will cause all of 7/6d worth of damage & probably a vast improvement .."


    At least here in Norfolk the 'Yuff' can't afford petrol for molotovs.

    ..."would yew loik sum of tha' thair red diesel, Boar?"

  27. Watch this space: first new law: blanket bans on gatherings of more than a dozen people other than scheduled, approved events at recognised venues such as football matches.

    Second new law: control of internet and mobile media imposed. Limits on texting, etc.

    Third new law: ban on faces covered in public. No more scarves across faces with hoods up, boys and girls. Sorry, Muzzies, that means you too.

    Fourth new law: permits for travel issued and checked. Restrictions on non-working movement between population centres.

    Fifth new law (renders previous four new laws largely pointless): all citizens electronically tagged. Associated good news: all alibis and whereabouts of people can be checked. Policing gets much easier. Taxation becomes easier, control much simpler.

    Sixth new law; Unlimited detention, restricted 'rights' of legal representation. benefits curtailed if you are 'noted' by the authorities.

    Got it yobs? Enjoy your free bling and watching 'Celebs got big knockers' on your stolen TVs, because it's all about to get a lot more tricky for you to scum around as the ruling elite take the opportunity to turn a few screws.

  28. Hello Mike,you missed my point completely.I'm not saying what happened to Tomlinson was right.I'm saying that's what happens when a policeman uses force and it goes wrong.
    Also I quite like my job and i'm very good at it.

  29. There was a man named Jürgen Stroop, who REALLY knew how to deal with this sort of rioting scum.


    But they would not listen to him. They never DO listen to those that KNOW.

  30. @ Jaded.

    "...right.I'm saying that's what happens when a policeman uses force and it goes wrong."

    Excuse any misunderstanding but your confused statement implies police occasionally getting things right.

    Yet it was thoughtful to highlight Huddersfield poverty. Northern ambivalence towards the new looting economy has been a mixture of guilt and much gratitude for goods on our shop shelves at knock down prices, again.

  31. @Anonymous 9.35...I was looking forward to seeing Rise Of The Planet Of The Apes at the flicks this week but feel as though I've already seen it on the streets.
    Shoot a dangerous white animal in Norway and you're a hero...shoot a black one in London and all hell breaks loose. Go figure.

  32. Curfew and the police should go in very hard at curfew breakers. Looters should be shot on sight. These rioters are all lowlife, thieving scum and should be treated as such.

  33. They say shit floats. Sadly, it doesn't seem to float face down...

  34. "Except the pictures of the looters tell a very different story. White, brown, black, and every shade in between..."

    I understand the apposite phrase is "wigger".

  35. ..."would yew loik sum of tha' thair red diesel, Boar?"

    Good try SBC, but if you were real Norfolk born & bred, you would know that it's "Bor"

  36. Nevermind tear gas or water cannon, bring back the Riot Act, and send in the army.

  37. The same army that is not allowed to shoot at bomb planters you mean?

    The problem here is not the make up of the force, but the arsehole crawling cowards in Parliament and at Police Headquaters who will not allow the plod on the street to FART in the wrong note incase a fucking nigger is offended.

    Getting in there and breaking heads does not need the army, it needs leaders willing to let the police take the gloves off and give welly.

  38. Time to bring this home. Get word out that there's a massive stock of plasma screens and Nikes at 119 Farringdon Road EC1.

  39. "Good try SBC, but if you were real Norfolk born & bred, you would know that it's "Bor"

    I give daily thanks to the Great Architect, maker of Heaven and Earth, that he in his Omnipotent Benevolence saw fit to NOT let me be born within the county of Norfolk or as I lovingly refer to it 'NorFuck'.

    That said, I can trace the norfolk half of my mongrel bloodline back unbroken until 1532 and have the 'missing' toe sized gap between my big toe and it's neighbour on each foot.

    Norfolk, where only villages have an IQ and a single genetic Sequence.

    IME, it can be written and said: 'bor' 'boar', 'borr', 'burr','boer' and countless other ways depending which particular part of the county one has the misfortune to be in.

    Come on, what do you expect from a race of Inbreds who pronounce 'Hautbois' as 'hobbice'?

  40. "Except the pictures of the looters tell a very different story. White, brown, black, and every shade in between...".

    Here we go Julia, same old bullshit story of "Yes but whites were doing it too" as though that somehow absolves anyone with a touch of the tarbrush of any wrong doing and as such places them beyond any criticism.

    There were so many whites out there carrying on that all the tabloids are using the same fucking image!!

  41. Jaded, I think even you can differentiate between the Ian Tomlinson affair of some guy walking past with his hands in his pockets and the low life scum, looting and burning?

    Yes I sympathise with the copper, heat of the moment and all that, but if I whilst out "Snap" and thump the pissed up wanker at the end of the bar who's been trying to pick a fight all night and he falls back and hits his head and drops dead. I can rightly expect to face the full force of the law and more than likely a stretch in the pokey.

    How is this any different?

    If on the other hand, Tomlinson had been throwing bricks and petrol bombs and was trundling past with a shopping trolley full of brand new reeboks and half a dozen flat screens, I think the public outcry would be little less than the sound of crickets chirping, what say you?

  42. @ Majid Ali

    What are you doing here, Majid?

    Get down to Croydon High Street, where the streets are literally paved with gold (check out the former Boodles, first.)

  43. Lost a lot of respect for Emily Maitlis for applying the term "protesters".

  44. Fuck yes! Budvar, well said.

    I dunno Tomlinson and have little time to think about his sad plight or that of the family he left behind when put down but if I lost it and, oh I dunno, stabbed an intruder in my own home in his or her face repeatedly I'm damn sure I'd be in the joint with you.

  45. worrying thing is I can't garuntee myself I wouldn't do it!?! perhaps a good reason for not bieng a copper?

  46. Captain Haddock said...

    For me "Lost Voice" has hit the nail fairly & squarely on the head


    Furor Teutonicus said...

    The same army that is not allowed to shoot at bomb planters you mean?...

    ...Getting in there and breaking heads does not need the army, it needs leaders willing to let the police take the gloves off and give welly.

    and seconded!

  47. "There were so many whites out there carrying on that all the tabloids are using the same fucking image!!"

    Far as I can see it was all being carried out by one 'race' and one alone: The British (yeah I know that is a nationality not a race).

    Granted some of them were more 'british' than others ie unwashed white...but I'm pretty sure most of them were born here and a majority of their parents too. I doubt any of them speak a word of Patois,swahili or Urdu, hell after an English state education a la Blair I doubt most of them can actually read at all...

    They are as British as anyone else these days and ,in the case of London, any days past.

    Part of the reason that 'multi culti' failed is that 'Britishness' is as much a virus as a nationality. Or maybe even one could call it a 'genetic disorder'.

    That's what the Crypto-Nazis of the EDL and the Daily Xenophobe readers have never understood: it don't matter none where your parents came from or the colour of their skin. You stay here long enough and your kids will turn into Brits...no matter what you do to prevent. Ain't no cure.

    Ask the Queen Victoria how her Kids turned out...

  48. I'll make it quick.

    Black immigrants and their stock are VERY largely to blame for this. Why were their no riots when Tomlinson was unlawfully killed? Why are their riots in the black area of other cities?

    Blacks are the problem. And the odd white-boy who doesn't know his head from his arse.

  49. SBC: "That's what the Crypto-Nazis of the EDL and the Daily Xenophobe readers have never understood: it don't matter none where your parents came from or the colour of their skin."

    What's any of this (or what you've written) got to do with the EDL? Think you're getting your TLAs (three letter acronyms) mixed.

  50. @Span

    English Defence League or do they call themselves something different now? I know it isn't EDF cos they rip us off for energy and it isn't EDP cos that's the Guardian For Norfolk People.

  51. @SBC

    LOL. I used to read the WDP.

    Anyway, the EDL may have problems with some people but they have no problem with anyone's skin colour.

  52. Flaming Patriot9 August 2011 at 17:07

    "Blacks are the problem."
    1000 x this. With these riots the English people are finally starting to wake up to this, and liberals are running scared.

    We were once the 'silent majority'. Now we're far from silent. We are the majority, and proud. This is the opportunity to rally your friends and neighbours, and ask the right questions; you might find that they thought they were the only ones with these 'unacceptable' views, afraid to express them because they thought they were alone. If we all do this, England can come together at last.

    I think what we're going to see soon is the Muslim areas kicking off. The last liberal will probably go into hiding by that point, and there'll be even more support for the long process to take back our country.

    This will be a political process, it absolutely will not be violent. We're better than them.


  53. And yet again it's the {cough} oh so vibrant and diverse areas doing a little night time shopping, supermarket-sweep stylee.

    British ?
    Maybe by some self-haters' standards.
    Not by mine.

  54. Well said, Julia.

    Last night the "trouble" spread to my haunt, namely Nottingham. Barely a mention anywhere, so I would not be at all surprised to find out many other cities are going the same way.

    This wasn't a few random incidents either, amongst other things a police station was attacked with petrol bombs, there was at least one major fire, 40-odd domestic properties had their windows put in, etc.

    To Jaded and his ilk, as others have said no one wanted this, there is no excuse for looting, arson OR physically attacking the police. Perhaps, given a bit of thought, even you can grasp the difference between critisism and thuggery?

  55. The IPCC prelim has just come out and Jaded must be kicking himself for his comment about officers 'having to pass a rigorous training' for firearms.

    They shot their own radio??!

  56. XX They shot their own radio??! XX

    I worked in a place that played Radio one all day. I can assure you, I was tempted.

  57. A jolly well hit six, if I may say so, Fuhrer.

  58. And how much will you take for the parrot?

  59. "I worked in a place that played Radio one all day. I can assure you, I was tempted."

    I can imagine. Someone I once lived with insisted on starting the day with Danny Baker on BBC London which is even worse than the Hessian FFH.

    But I don't think Plod were tuning their walkie-talkies into Dave Lee Travis (who was on Radio One last time I listened...a while backs).

    Infact the whole 'incident' is beginning to sound horribly like another police fiasco ...when the Police White Washing Authority (the IPCC) starts talking about 'complex investigations'.

    Complex??! Either Duggan pulled a gun or he didn't. If he did then he killed himself, if he didn't then it's yet another unlawful police killing.

    I smell perjury and a 'comparing of notebooks' with video evidence somehow being lost.

  60. That is what is hamstringing the Police as much as anything - how can they use tear gas or water cannon if there's a risk a child could be injured?

    Thankfully Mr Cameron has answered that dilemma with his "If you're old enough to commit these crimes you are old enough to face the consequences."

    I hope that if there are kids on the streets tonight, causing mayhem again, that the police douse them with CS and set the dogs on them. They deserve nothing less.

  61. Either Duggan pulled a gun or he didn't.

    He doesn't even have to pull it. The piece of shit in question was in possession of an unlawful firearm, in public and with a chambered round. He got what he deserved, and the amount of hand-wringing on TV today from people lavishing "condolences" and suchlike on the family of this cumstain on the face of humanity has been truly sickening. He deserved to die, he died. End of.

  62. "He doesn't even have to pull it."

    As far as I can make out, the gun (according to the IPCC) somehow , almost magically, appeared at the scene...

    If he pulled a gun or gave the police reason to suspect that lives would be in danger then of course he brought it on himself.

    Just it's beginning to sound like the aftermath of the de Menezes case again.

  63. Having been in the thick of riots in South African townships, I can safely say that the police really hasn't got a clue.

    Looters can be shot - with either baton rounds or live ammo.

    Note to the coppers - a rubber bullet is the same diameter as a D size battery and is guaranteed to be more effective.

  64. "Note to the coppers - a rubber bullet is the same diameter as a D size battery and is guaranteed to be more effective."

    They know. That was a favourite RUC trick.

  65. "... not the simpering, apologist and sensationalist rubbish that's printed these days."

    Batten down the hatches! We're going to see acres of that over the next few days.

    "Obviously this is utterly, utterly different, since in the film clip they weren't after a free plasma tv or a pair of converse trainers."


    "Don't speak too soon, Julia. The cheek-by-jowl nature of 'deprived' and 'wealthy' areas in cities means you're never more than a ten minute journey(by BMX or stolen car) from one extreme to the other."

    Indeed, I hear that was brought home to the 'Guardian' and the Beeb last night. Good.

    They won't learn from it, mind you...

    "Everyone, from the politicians to MSM to bloggers, do seem to be getting their knickers in a twist about these 'Riots' (and, lets be honest, they are pretty poor excuses for riots at that)."

    They're bad enough!

  66. "These are the children who believe themselves untouchable, thanks to an education ideology that prevents any adult ever restraining them in any way for fear of prosecution for assault."

    Spot on! And sadly, the likely penalties for those actually caught and charged will likely prove them right...

    "The fault of all this now lies squarely with the left-leaning, rabble-rousing 'smash the Feds' lefties, supported by the chattering champagne socialists and the stupid, gullible and biased media led by the mentally corrupt likes of the Guardian and the BBC."

    Agreed. And they are already starting to flounder and try to escape the blame.

    "Prepare for manipulative police, set to exploit openings to acquire routine arming..."

    Here's a golden opportunity.

    "There was a time when the 'London Mob' didn't mean the Krays and Gordon's wasn't just a really good gin."

    They never s**t on their own doorstep, though. And they would have taken their own 'justice' on any rioters on their manor!

  67. "All you keyboard rattlers/armchair warriors that criticise the police at every turn are now on the front line yourselves.All you liberals that wanted the "killer" PC of Ian Tomlinson hung drawn and quartered are now reaping what you have sown."

    I criticise the police when they screw up, as I do everyone else when they screw up. And no-one wanted him executed, but sacked? Yes. So he should have been.

    It's interesting how they 'get stuck in' when it's an old man walking away, but hold back when young, fit men are looting and burning.

    And I don't think that's got anything to do with the numbers involved, either...

    "...because it's all about to get a lot more tricky for you to scum around as the ruling elite take the opportunity to turn a few screws."

    Any new laws rushed out to 'deal with this problem' will simply be used against targets their drafters never expected, instead.

    It's the way it always goes...

    "Shoot a dangerous white animal in Norway and you're a hero...shoot a black one in London and all hell breaks loose. Go figure."


    "I understand the apposite phrase is "wigger"."


  68. "Last night the "trouble" spread to my haunt, namely Nottingham. Barely a mention anywhere, so I would not be at all surprised to find out many other cities are going the same way."

    Sadly, Manchester and the Midlands seem to have overtaken London last night...

    "There were so many whites out there carrying on that all the tabloids are using the same fucking image!!"

    I think they've got plenty more to choose from now, though...

    "Complex??! Either Duggan pulled a gun or he didn't. If he did then he killed himself, if he didn't then it's yet another unlawful police killing."

    Well, not necessarily. As SpiteK points out, he doesn't have to actually brandish a gun to be legally shot.

    The only error I suspect the team made was not shooting the rest of his scummy 'family'...

  69. "The only error I suspect the team made was not shooting the rest of his scummy 'family'..."

    Unworthy of you, Julia.

  70. Although I expect howls of derision from you Monday morning quarterbacks-who cares if the police shot Duggan?
    Ask yourself two simple questions. Would you want him as your neighbour? Would you want your daughter to bring him home?
    He was described as an "elder".He was 29.Is that someone who lives through their teenage years as a gangsta and doesn't get shot?

  71. Howls of derision at comments we 'quarterbacks' could anticipate from a haughty WPC, Jaded?

    I speak for myself...but I doubt that the rest of this 'team' will summon the howling you expect of them. Unless of course, they hold you in the same esteem you hold yourself.

  72. Dear Mrs MTG, over and over again you claim to speak for the whole nation,nice to see a bit of humbleness for a change.
    You didn't answer my questions though.

  73. "nice to see a bit of humbleness for a change."

    It would be nice to hear some humble pie munchings from your corner as well. You've pretty much been proved wrong on all your usual arguments.

    The police have shown that they can't protect us, the 'decent people' no longer trust the Police and whatever did happen with Duggan it raises serious questions about the Police being allowed anywhere near firearms.

    Me, I'd prefer Duggan as a next door neighbour to you.

    And MTG DOES indeed seem to be speaking for the majority of 'decent' people judging by all the comments in the MSM. The victims ask again and agin- "WHERE WERE THE POLICE?!"

  74. For gawd's sake someone give jaded a gun to shoot his trotter or some other pig.

  75. SBC, you would prefer a drug dealing gangster as a neighbour than me?Just about sums you up.
    Make sure you have bullet proof glass then when the drive by shootings start.I do remember a previous post stating boasting your criminal past.
    It's amazing that some of the posts on here have been incredibly racist and not been challenged but as soon as I pop up I am slated.

  76. "Make sure you have bullet proof glass then when the drive by shootings start."

    I'd have to have cos YOU and your ilk can't and won't protect me or mine.

    And it's beginning to look as if the bullets would be fired by-your-oh-so-rigorously-trained colleagues...doesn't it?

  77. "Although I expect howls of derision from you Monday morning quarterbacks-who cares if the police shot Duggan?"

    Check out the comment that so disappointed MTG. It was only slightly less than half said in jest...

    "It would be nice to hear some humble pie munchings from your corner as well. You've pretty much been proved wrong on all your usual arguments.

    The police have shown that they can't protect us..."

    Half right. The police have shown that they can't protect us in the first few days, but when the politicians turn up, and the vigilantes start coming out onto the streets, suddenly it's 'Game on!'.

    I leads to awkward questions, Jaded. You can't deny that.

    "It's amazing that some of the posts on here have been incredibly racist and not been challenged..."

    I guess you missed me pointing out that the rioters and looters seem to be a racial mix, then?

  78. Had a run in a while back with a couple of bleeding heart liberals who hailed from Ealing. As the riots unfolded I did think there is a silver lining in every cloud, how uncharitable of me ;-D
