Thursday 1 September 2011

More Tough Justice…

Catherine McKay was awoken by noises downstairs in the early hours of January 29 and suspected her ex-partner Mark Andrew Evans might be responsible, Burnley Crown Court was told.

She confronted Evans in the kitchen, asking him what he thought he was doing, and the pair struggled, with her eventually grabbing him in a headlock.

He managed to open a kitchen drawer and grab a fork, which he used to stab her in the legs three or four times, the court heard.
Wow, a home invasion and then stabbing the householder!

This guy’ll go away for a long time, right?
Evans, of Acre Mill Road, Stacksteads, admitted affray and was given a four-month prison sentence, suspended for two years.
Looks like that temporary blip caused by the rioting was even more temporary than we though…


  1. "her eventually grabbing him in a headlock. "

    FFS! WHO is this woman? Xena Warrior Princess of The Amazons??! And just HOW drunk was he??!

  2. @ SBC ..

    I'm assuming that "FFS" means .. "For Fork's Sake" ? ... ;)

    By the sounds of her though, I wouldn't want to bump into her up a dark alley ..

  3. "I wouldn't want to bump into her up a dark alley .."

    DUnno, beggars can't be choosers...I'd give her a severe pronging.

  4. @ SBC ..

    "... I'd give her a severe pronging".

    Yeah .. but if she's big enough to get a bloke in a headlock .. you might well need one of Messrs Wilkinson Sword products .. ;)

  5. And elsewhere there is surprise and consternation at the support for bringing back the death sentence. I suspect that most people don't actually want the death sentence, I suspect they don't much care whether murderers are hanged or imprisoned for life (life really meaning life), they just want them off the streets for good.

    And they want to see appropriate sentences for lesser offences like this one. But nobody is asking the right question, the only question being asked is "Do you want to bring back the death sentence" so of course they say "Yes."

    And every time there is another namby pamby hug a hoodie sentence, a few more sign up supporting the death sentence.

  6. " WHO is this woman? Xena Warrior Princess of The Amazons??!"

    There's no picture, so we're forced to draw our own conclusions...

    "And every time there is another namby pamby hug a hoodie sentence, a few more sign up supporting the death sentence."

    Good point!

  7. And all so unnecessary if only she'd been in the position to stand on the other side of the room and say "The fork draw is right there if you want one, mate, but what's in my hand right now is a .38 and if it goes off I'm going to make sure it's still pointing at you." No need to give the state the power to kill its citizens, what's really needed is for citizens to get back the power to defend themselves adequately. And of course if he'd gone for the forks anyway, or even a weapon he'd brought with him, it's possible that there'd be no trial and the sentence would have taken care of itself.

    "And every time there is another namby pamby hug a hoodie sentence, a few more sign up supporting the death sentence."

    It's probably nothing but a nasty thought's just occurred to me: what if that's the whole idea? What if a state that wanted the power to kill its citizens back and needed to steer the public into demanding it overwhelmingly while maintaining an appearance of reluctance? I highly doubt the British state is that well organised but I'll tell you this, if I was running a country and wanted to be able to waste anyone who got on my tits that's how I'd do it.
