Thursday 1 September 2011

Not Exactly ‘Watergate’, Is It, Newsshopper?

Should the man in charge of tourism in Greenwich be telling the world he has to hide his wallet before visiting Woolwich?
So thunders the local newspaper on a crusade.
News Shopper is calling for the resignation of Neil McCollum after he posted the following message on social media website Twitter: “Guest Appearance in Woolwich today. Wonder if it has changed. Mental note, make sure wallet is not visible.”
Yes, another official Twitter user has made a boo-boo.

And rather than simply shrug and move on, it means his immediate resignation, if not hanging, drawing and quartering, is demanded.
Louise Camish, is 26 years old and lives in Woolwich responded to the tweet and said: "That is disgusting. Absolutely disgusting. I walk around with my change loose in my pocket and my bank card hanging out of my pocket sometimes. "
“There are always a few people wherever you go, but there is no need to single out Woolwich."… “Obviously the riots were a setback for the entire country, not just for Woolwich. We should take pride in Woolwich.”
We should..?

Should we also ignore the crime rate? Walk around with our bank cards hanging out of our pocket, like you? Count me out!
Deputy Leader of the Opposition, Councillor Nigel Fletcher, said: “I think the lesson from that is that everyone has to be very careful what they tweet, particularly if they are in a position in the council where they are promoting tourism in the borough.
“It clearly wasn’t a wise thing to say, even in jest. I hope that the person responsible has learnt a lesson from it.”
Is the Newsshopper going to leave it there?

Reader, they are not…
When News Shopper approached Neil McCollum for a response he said it was up to the council’s press office to respond.
We put in a request to the press office on Friday morning...and again on Monday morning, but again received no response.
Oh oh…
We therefore decided to approach Woolwich Riverside councillor, John Fahy.
Surely he would want to step in to defend his ward and constituents.
Sadly he said he was not in a position to comment either .
You’re just not important enough. Shame.
Woolwich Common councillor, Beverly Jones, did not answer her phone. When she returned the call, upon hearing "Hello News Shopper" she said “sorry wrong number” and hung up.
Finally, the office of Councillor Rajwant Sidhu, who also represents Woolwich Common, told News Shopper he was not in and that all press inquiries needed to be directed through the press office.
Awwww, never mind! You're important to your mother, after all...


  1. There were times, when I lived in SE23, that I wished I still carried a gun...

    ...hell there were times when I seemed to be the only one who wasn't.

    And on a few occasions I felt like going postal and firing into the crowds of Burberry caps while screaming 'CULLING' and 'FORE!'.

  2. Utter shithole. Really, a complete shithole, and very vibrant too

    Actually, concealing your wallet is sensible anywhere

  3. Good old News Shopper. Have a gander at this 'initiative' from the same newspaper by BROMLEY police. Perhaps they should have a word with their Woolwich colleagues:
    Great throughly mental comment attached too!
    I used to work in Woolwich and it is an utter shithole run by the descendants of the really loony left and boasts...other than Len Duvall....fuck all.

  4. Calling Edwin Greenwood... Where are you Dogwash?

  5. "Ah the poor NewsShopper not having a lot of luck these days"

    Oooh, locked out of the trough while the bigger piggies dig in! I almost feel sorry for them.


    "Utter shithole. Really, a complete shithole, and very vibrant too"

    Yup, been through it a few times. I didn't linger!

    "Calling Edwin Greenwood... Where are you Dogwash?"

    Oh, yes. This is his stamping ground, isn't it?
