Saturday 3 September 2011

”Now the drugs don’t work…”

He regularly sees a psychiatric nurse and has a monthly injection to stabilise his mental disorder.
Does it work?

Prosecutor Lesley Chipps also told the court about issues Bray had revealed in a police interview.

She said: “He said he had had training from the FBI and CIA by low frequency brain control, but could not confirm this. He said he had the sword, it had been modified and he described it as being ‘battle ready’.”
That’ll be a ‘No!’ then…

Still, it’s nice to know that Essex Police are ‘serving and protecting the community’, isn’t it?
Mr McKenzie, 49, who is disabled and walks with a stick, lives at Sutton Court, two floors down from Bray.

He said: “It was kicking off. It had been going on for five or six minutes and I recognised his voice. I got my stick, put my high visibility jacket on which has got “security” emblazoned across it, and went upstairs.

“James had his shirt ripped open and had gone back into his flat to get this sword. It had been cut off into a point where the blade should curve.”

He rushed back to his flat and dialled 999 asking for an armed response unit, but was told no one was available to respond. So he hopped on his mobility scooter to drive down to Southend police station himself. But he said a sergeant told him they were too busy to come, so he went back to handle it himself.

He said: “I’ve gone up to see James and gained his confidence and sat in his flat. I said to him what he had done was absolutely disgusting. The police had been called and if they caught him with this weapon he would probably end up getting tasered.

“I said ‘you will have to give the sword to me and I will look after it’. He was dead against giving it to me, so I spent a couple of hours talking to him, and eventually he gave it to me.”

Eventually he went back to Southend Police station and handed the blade in – at least eight hours after the incident was first reported.
And the police response?

Well, quite blasé, actually:
An Essex Police spokesman said: “At the time this offence was reported, all local units were deployed on urgent priority calls in the area. Police established the victim of the threats was in another flat, safe and well.

“The offender then phoned police and asked to hand himself in, which he later did. He was then arrested, charged and has appeared in court.”
So nice it all worked out well for you, isn’t it?


  1. Eventually he [Mr McKenzie if I read this correctly] went back to Southend Police station and handed the blade in

    He's lucky not to have been arrested for carrying an offensive weapon in public!

  2. Only good fortune averted a scene of red mist carnage with Essex plod deployed at the doughnut eating Nationals.

    Give Mr McKenzie a dough...erm, a uniform.

  3. Being a nutter the police gave him a pass. No doubt there was a rash of smoking in bus stops that night.

  4. @KenS

    Exactly my first thought when I read this!

  5. "He's lucky not to have been arrested for carrying an offensive weapon in public!"

    Yeah... but he did have a high visibility jacket on which has got “security” emblazoned across it. I mean, even James Bond don't got one of those and he's licensed to kill n'stuff.

  6. "He's lucky not to have been arrested for carrying an offensive weapon in public!"

    Indeed! Though, as John Pickworth points out, there's that jacket to consider...
