Sunday 11 December 2011

At Least It Was Only Beer…

Detective Sergeant Bob Stokoe, said: “The man’s behaviour towards this member of staff, who had quite rightly informed him that he needed to buy a ticket to travel, was completely unacceptable.
“This was a degrading assault on a woman who was simply trying to do her job…”
It’d be far more ‘degrading’ if he’d, ummm, ’processed’ the beer first….


  1. Is it cos 'e is.....has bin disrespecketd innit?

    Phew, nearly..........

  2. If this coward can be identified amongst the millions of other monas, it grieves me to admit that a little 'care' from Sgt Andrews would rightly get the blind eye.

  3. "Is it cos 'e is.....has bin disrespecketd innit?"

    Looking at the CCYV, I suspect you're right...
