Sunday 11 December 2011

Modern Christmas Nativity…

The youngsters are requested to come dressed as characters from the Christmas story.

Canon Jonathan Draper, who will lead the event, said: “We usually have quite a few Marys and Josephs, lots of shepherds, angels and kings plus quite a few of the animals that would have been found in the stable. We also have more unusual characters which we somehow have to draw into the story – superheroes like Batman and Spiderman, and a few Harry Potters, but the most unusual has to be a dragon.”

Mind you, it's not sure why they'd ever need a dragon; they seem to have enough savage creatures to contend with amongst the parents*!

Perhaps next year, one of the kiddiewinks will come as Hannibal Lecter...


  1. I recall the year that my 5 year old son came home from infant's school & proudly announced that he was going to be a "Leopard" in his class nativity play ..

    I thought that his teacher, who just happened to be young, fit & entirely fanciable must be a "moderniser" .. until it quickly dawned on me that "sprog" meant he was gonna be a shepherd ..

    Come the big day, we duly assembled in the school hall to witness this dramatic masterpiece .. where the Headmaster lead the school in the singing of a hymn called "Bind us together, Lord" ..

    Well, I immediately had a mental picture of people suffering from constipation & got a fit of the giggles .. after a few rib-digs from the then Missus, she asked why .. I told her, which then set her off giggling too .. ;)

  2. "...& proudly announced that he was going to be a "Leopard" in his class nativity play .."

    Heh! :D
