Tuesday 10 April 2012

For Once, I'm Not Going To Disagree With The RSPCA...

Mr Butt, mitigating, said..."When the RSPCA came to interview him, he was left distressed by their attitude."
Really? That's surprising, because their attitude matches most sensible people's attitude in this case, I think you'll find.

The thing to do when your dog injures your daughter is to take it to a vet to be humanely put down, not take it out into the back garden on the morning after and beat it to death with a hammer, then brag about it later.
...there is extraordinary mitigation. His daughter is left permanently disfigured.
I rather doubt she's as ugly as this man's inner hideousness must surely be.

Inadequates owning animals and children. Welcome to modern Britain.


  1. If my dog mauled/attacked anyone I would want it euthanised asap. In my case I would probably use my shotgun as a very quick way of destroying a dangerous dog. I wouldn't use a hammer although I can (almost) see his reasoning.

  2. I suspect his 'reasoning' was no more complicated than 'I'm not paying vet fees'...

  3. In which case, I'd posit a little experiment about exactly how humane killing a dangerous animal with a hammer is. It involves me, him, a locked room and a claw hammer.

    Guess who's holding the hammer?

  4. I do rather like that idea!
