Tuesday 10 April 2012

Love Shop Thy Neighbour!

In an interview with the Standard, Mr Robertson said: “If you know of people, including neighbours, who are going to break the law during the Olympics you should let the authorities know.”
Only during the Olympics?

So, if I look out of my window and see the chap next door creeping up on his sunbathing missus with a knife on 26th July, I should ignore it?
“This isn’t new territory for me,” said Mr Robertson, 49, who saw active service with the Life Guards. “And everything leads me to believe the Olympics security plans are very good indeed.
I bet that's what the Boat Race organisers were saying on Saturday morning...


  1. Hugh Robertson? Another self-important toady nonentity.

    Bye Bye Cameron, Bye Bye Tories.

  2. Trained under the Stasi was he?

  3. The new aristocracy at play.

  4. Just for a second there, I thought

    "What does a swimming pool attendant know about security apart from 'NO; Running , Diving, Bombing and No Heavy Petting?"

  5. Fidel Cuntstruck10 April 2012 at 15:08

    Quote "Mr Robertson, 49, who saw active service with the Life Guards"

    There's something very "Captain Mainwaring" about that and I can't stop chuckling

  6. ticket sales for the mens 100m final to the general public will be just over 20,000 [out of 80,000] & there will be about 35,000 military personnel to supervise them, just what are they [& him] expecting the general public are going to do?

  7. 35000 military personnel? Is that a misprint?

    What are they going to do, march past the politburo? Tanks and missile launchers included???

  8. I grew accustomed to tale tellers
    Behind the Iron Curtain in the
    former DDR (East Germany),they were everywhere.Reporting a friend or member of the family for
    the slightest criticism was a sure measure of a Good Citizen.
    Before the war some of these "Good
    Citizens" had perfected the craft of informing re: Jews, Gypsies and Gays,by the 70s it was anybody
    who did'nt fit the Fabian/Socialist nightmare.
    650 Politburo(House of Commons) Members dictating ,the rest slavishly obeying
    As we know the Marxist sub humans crawled out of their grids ,donned a smart suit or dress and brought their nightmare to the comotose British weaned on full strength apathy

    The awakening will be dramatic

  9. Bye Bye Cameron, Bye Bye Tories.

    For the first time in 40 odd years of voting, I feel the same way. But if UKIP are not fielding a candidate, what is the alternative?

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. I love the future tense - GOING to break the law!
    If I could forsee the future I would have better things to do than shop my neighbours.

  12. "Another self-important toady nonentity."

    There seems to be a never-ending stream of them, doesn't there?

    "Trained under the Stasi was he?"

    He might as well have been. If so, he was a quick study!

    "The new aristocracy at play."

    I preferred the old one - at least they had breeding.

    "Just for a second there, I thought

    "What does a swimming pool attendant know about security..."


  13. "There's something very "Captain Mainwaring" about that and I can't stop chuckling"

    Sadly, the joke's on us!

    "... just what are they [& him] expecting the general public are going to do?"

    God knows!

    "If I could forsee the future I would have better things to do than shop my neighbours."

    Me too!

  14. Ah, department of pre-crime again, eh?

  15. "35000 military personnel? Is that a misprint?"

    Yes, it's both an error and an erroneous conflation of two wholly distinct numbers. Approximately 13500 military personnel will be providing support to the Olympics and Paralympics, over the entire period of the games - in London, Weymouth and other locations. I've no idea how many of those will be in the stadium for the 100m final but I'd be surprised if it was even high single-figure %ages of the total.

  16. "Ah, department of pre-crime again, eh?"

    Yeah, it's not just '1984' they consider a manual, not just fiction, is it?

    "Yes, it's both an error and an erroneous conflation of two wholly distinct numbers."

    Good old MSM....
