Wednesday 2 January 2013

I Don't Suppose 'Standing On Your Own Two Feet' Is An Option?

A young woman has taken on the fight against homelessness after being thrown into the situation herself.
Jessica Chipperfield said she left her father's home in Addiscombe after his partner learned she was gay.
Jessica, who is sofa-surfing between friends, said: "I want to raise awareness of homelessness so people can understand the reasons for it – it is not the person's fault.
"Young people need to be given better advice and help in their way, rather than getting pushed and shoved about."
Jessica is 20. Yes. 20.

And the 'help' she thinks she ought to be given? Well, she was indeed given it.
Jessica said she was also spurred into action after being disappointed with help she received from Croydon Council over her housing problems.
She said: "They gave me an information pack and told me I can get rent for £290 to £340. There is a lack of help and advice."
No, there's not. That's it. That's all you are really entitled to. You are 20 years old, you should have a job and be independent.
She said: "At the moment I have not got a job and people are saying to me because I am homeless I cannot get a job."
What stopped you before you were homeless, then? And what is it you really want?
A Croydon Council spokesman said it was sorry Jessica was disappointed with the service she received from the council but families with children had to come first.
He said: "Like many local authorities, the council currently has a shortage of temporary accommodation and has to prioritise families with children and those who are deemed vulnerable."
Ah. Of course. You want a 'free' house.


  1. Jessica Chipperfield said she left her father's home in Addiscombe after his partner learned she was gay.

    So isn't that something that the father needs to deal with? There's a massive hole in this story because of this.

  2. Robert the Biker2 January 2013 at 10:47

    So let's see....Her Dad doesn't want her about to keep peace in the household (one presumes). Her Mum is not offering her a space. She is presumably wearing out her welcome at friends and none of her rug-munching compatriots are stepping up.
    Is it just me, or is the problem HER rather than everyone else?

  3. Excellent point about 20 - 20?!

    Just where are they coming from, these people?

  4. When the London rioters were sent down one mother bitterly complained to the newspapers about the harsh treatment her "18 year old child" had been given for his childish and criminal behaviour.

    One newspaper comment on the article deploring his behaviour was from a WW2 RAF veteran who at 18 had been a Lancaster flight engineer doing bombing raids over Nazi Germany.
    Says it all really,God help us if we ever get into another really big war,if this is the calibre of young people today,excepting those lads serving in Afghanistan,our best and bravest being cruelly misused to serve a politicians vanity.
    Politicians,fucking scum every one of them.

  5. My only concern is that Jessica has now been told what she has to do to qualify for a flat, and no doubt someone will oblige - probably claiming right of residence while they are about it.

    Although I don't wholly approve, there is something galling about a British citizen being told that they have a lower priority than an arriving foreigner who will promptly claim child benefit, the cost of education (and that's at least £60k per child) and NHS treatment.

    I don't want to pay for Jessica, but I'd rather give her say, a year's free housing so she can find her feet than encourage her to shake the benefits tree for life.

  6. Surely the emphasis should be on "she left her father's home....".

    So not "forcibly ejected" or anything but just left.

    Despite the blatant inference of hypocritical homophobia from dad and/or his partner it would appear it was actually her who had a problem with them.

    So why aren't Stonewall camped on doorstep at this outrageous attack on homosexuality ?


  7. XX So isn't that something that the father needs to deal with? There's a massive hole in this story because of this. XX

    Or, the Father WAS the partn..... ahhh DON'T go there I guess...

  8. Lazy, entitlement chav scum.

    Sobering to think that they are going to take charge again in 2015.

    You could be forgiven for thinking that they never went away.

  9. "There's a massive hole in this story..."

    Well, quite! I guess he didn't want to comment.

    "Is it just me, or is the problem HER rather than everyone else?"


    "Says it all really,God help us if we ever get into another really big war..."

    Spot on!

    "My only concern is that Jessica has now been told what she has to do to qualify for a flat, and no doubt someone will oblige..."

    I'd be amazed if that hadn't already crossed her mind!
