Tuesday 1 January 2013

MONA Still An Option In 2013...

Given the similarities between the attacks police said they were being treated as "potentially linked".
Similarities? What can they mean?
“He was described as being Asian, in his late teens or early 20s, between 5ft 2ins and 6ft tall, chubby with short black straight hair with his fringe brushed forward.”
“The second victim described her attacker as an Asian man aged about 30, 5ft 6ins tall with gelled hair and light stubble. He was wearing denim jeans and a dark jacket.”
I wonder if that's really the descriptive term the victims used..?

H/T: Pavlov's Cat via email


  1. Well, it wasn't an oriental gentleman, neither does it sound like a Sikh, he might be a Hindu, but I doubt it knowing the area. Could only mean that it's yet another rapist bearded savage. Yet again te BBC slander other groups from Asia, in order to cover up for the crimes of the followers of the prophet Mohammed. Grooming gangs, rapists and terrorists, what a wonderful contribution the followers of Islam have brought to the UK.

  2. Surely the police should offer a better description than 'Asian'if they want to catch a criminal? I mean was he Chinese, Mongolian Japanese, Thai, Indian Subcontinental (covering Indian, Pakistani, and Bangladeshi), Sri Lankan etc etc? All of those are different in various ways. I mean what if a Chinaman with the same clothes and hairstyle happened to be in the area? Is he a suspect? He's Asian all right. How about a Sikh?

    One might as well describe the attacker as 'looking like a UK citizen' as 'Asian', as it covers as broad a range of nationalities and physical appearances.

  3. I think this is gradually backfiring on them.
    Mention 'Asian' and everyone knows who they are describing nowadays.

    Although I do feel sorry for all the Japanese and Chinese guys who will be stopped and searched as this could describe a few of them

    In his late teens or early 20s, between 5ft 2ins and 6ft tall, chubby with short black straight hair with his fringe brushed forward.”

    Its' a bit like with the
    ' Police are looking for a male approx 25 years old wearing a grey hooded top in connection with the shooting. Operation Trident officers were on the scene"

    Ta for the linkage

  4. "Yet again te BBC slander other groups from Asia.."

    Yup :(

    "One might as well describe the attacker as 'looking like a UK citizen' as 'Asian'..."

    Would they rather catch him, or not get criticised? Hmmm, tricky...

    "Mention 'Asian' and everyone knows who they are describing nowadays."

    Well, we do. I'm not so sure about the great unwashed.

  5. Just call him "British". It seems to mean the same thing.
