Wednesday 11 September 2013

'Freeze, Dirtbags! Music Appreciation Squad! On The Floor!'

Police have warned Croydon's pubs and clubs against playing hip-hop music because of the troublesome clientele they claim the music attracts.
Blimey! If that's not a move guaranteed to arouse the wrath of the likes of Sunny Hundal, I don't know what is...
Chief Inspector David Clayton said: "There is a proven and historical association with certain types of clubs and music with violence and if that type of music is not played in Croydon then that's positive for the borough."
Are you sure it's the music that's the problem? I mean, last time, your colleagues were fretting over Pete Doherty, for heaven's sake...
"It would be nice to think that we had so much control over licensed premises to decide what music they play. If I had my choice I'd see that they only played The Beatles or The Who but I don't."


  1. It's a good job the Country has the public sector as otherwise there would be no jobs for all the fuckwits in society, as this clown demonstrates.

    It is, however, rather worrying that someone with such a narrow, uninformed and stunted viw of the world should be chosen to be a leader within a Police force. The selection pool must be getting very shallow.

  2. I despise hip hop music but this makes me want to open a hip hop club in Croydon.

  3. Bad news there for Townsend and Daltry - official slippers and cocoa music now.

  4. @ Woman on a Raft
    I saw Townshend and Daltrey at the O2 in July. They did the entire Quadrophenia album plus a greatest hits set. It was more like running shoes and Berocca.

    Early Who may not have the effect Mr Plod desires, either.

  5. I know this is OT but this seems right up your street Julia...

  6. Speechless just about sums it up. I'm with Bucko and FT. Much as I despise hip hop, I'll defend to the death the right of anyone to play it and listen to it. FFS!

  7. but when you think about it.....Chief Inspector David Clayton...has missed a trick here.... having these clubs full of the riff raff he claims they do, means that our trusty law enforcements agents know exactly where to go when they are down on their monthly targets.....close down the clubs and the law enforcement agents will be chasing all over the place.... so I think DC might need a re-think ere....

  8. Should we stop military bands from playing their traditional tunes in case it incites islamic terrorist attacks?

    Maybe they could play hip-hop instead.

  9. I think he wanted to say, No yardies, gangstas or anyone likely to be of interest to Op Trident.
    He couldn't so good kids have to suffer..

  10. "It's a good job the Country has the public sector as otherwise there would be no jobs for all the fuckwits in society, as this clown demonstrates."

    Maybe if he had a proper job, he wouldn't be like this? Chicken/egg.

    "Bad news there for Townsend and Daltry - official slippers and cocoa music now."

    But can comfort themselves that their music will be around long after hiphop!

    "I know this is OT but this seems right up your street Julia..."

    Oh, gosh, yes!

    "Much as I despise hip hop, I'll defend to the death the right of anyone to play it and listen to it."

    Well, quite! And as aging man points out, better to have all your potential rotten eggs in one basket, surely?

  11. I'm shocked ... shocked to find our hostess using a Yank spell checker.

  12. The way my computer is acting up at the moment I would try a bloody 14th Century Ming Chinese spell checker.
