Wednesday 11 September 2013

The Next Time Someone Tells You That 'It's The Bosses That Are At Fault'... some tale of police political correctness, just smile, and think of Tony Bristow:
One officer, who asked not to be named, said: 'There’s no question in my mind - he should have lost his job. Racism, in any form, should not be tolerated.
'The fact that he kept his job sends completely the wrong message to other officers and members of the public.
'To have kept his job and now been taken on as a full-time serving Pc is a joke and sad reflection on just how seriously the force views racism and racist attitudes.'
Another, who also wished to remain anonymous, said: 'At the time he was given the warning, nobody could believe it. It was 100 per cent expected that he would lose his job.
'Now we’ve read in the paper about people making silly mistakes and losing their jobs for things that are nothing like as serious.
'There are PCSOs and Specials (constables) in Avon and Somerset who have a clean disciplinary record and have applied for regular jobs and this ‘gentleman’, for want of a better word, got in.
'Why are we recruiting people who have been found guilty of racist behaviour?'
My, my. Stalin would be proud...


  1. And what's a "racist" joke?

    Many of Richard Pryor's anecdotes included the "N" word; but people across the melanin-concentration spectrum laughed at them.

    A "joke" is defined not by the teller, but by audience reaction.

  2. I would.... PROBABLY not use the word "Nigger" to, or in presence of a coon.

    No. I prefer to reserve the usage in front of such nigger loving bastards as these.

    Yid. Pikey, Wog, Paki, Eytie, Wet-back, Been-eater, chink, Nips, Sand-niggers, rag-heads, all come under the same catagory.

    If they did not try ordering me not to, I probably would not any way, but....

  3. I would hope the unnamed officer doesn't really exist but in my heart I feel he/she probably does.The new ones are scared to say boo to a goose and all follow the party line.Very sad.

  4. I'm with Jaded but I fear the person does indeed exist. A natural evolution. Hopefuly not long for you to go 'J'?
    The posting on chief Insp Clayton from Croydon is also a great illustration at just how far our police have become politically controlled, directed and an indicator of just how close tyranny by the state is. Clayton's actions are an obscenity as are the utterances of the Stalinist political officer quoted above.

  5. Might have been faux racism, the use of words that only sound racist.

    Macaroon, bongo, niggardly, etc..

  6. "A "joke" is defined not by the teller, but by audience reaction."

    A concept anathema to the progressives...

    "The new ones are scared to say boo to a goose and all follow the party line.Very sad"

    Part of the reason for the decline in quality of the police service.

    "Might have been faux racism, the use of words that only sound racist."

    A distinction the identity politics mob never draws. To them, if it sounds it, then it is.

  7. "Macaroon, bongo, niggardly, etc.."

    Naughty but nice.
