Monday 24 March 2014

‘Risk To Public Safety’ Explained

Are you a hardworking businessman who held a coincidental fireworks display at the same time as drivers were pelting through thick fog a couple of fields away? Well, clearly, you’re a risk to public safety!

Are you a…err, member of an identity group, who might set fire to a couple of caravans near a busy A road? No, no, nothing to see here!
… a police spokesman said: “There is no evidence to suggest the caravan fires were started criminally, as they could have been set alight by their owners.”
He argued it was only a crime if they had been set alight without the owner’s knowledge or permission or if the fires had posed a risk to public safety.
Despite the first fire closing the road and being metres from motorists, the spokesman claimed neither of the fires posed a safety risk and the laybywas an “isolated area” .
Do they not realise this makes them look like a laughing stock? Or do they just not care?

H/T: Wiggia via email


  1. Flytipping at the worst and littering at the least. However, to deal with this would necessitate the Police getting off their arses and trying find out which of the caravan utilising nomadic travellers was responsible. Some would say that the really sad thing was that they didn't leave a family member or two in the vans when they torched them.

  2. The Gyppos are back behind my house. They turned up on Friday and it will probably take a couple of weeks to get the same court order they got the last time to shift them.

    After they've done all the welfare reports and such crap

  3. Caravans ain't fireproof, bucko...

    or bulletproof.

    Tracer gives you the best of both worlds!

  4. Some travellers travel, until they pitch up in an area with a sympathetic local authority. Then they stop travelling for a while. What to do with the old caravan? It would be old, better ones will be sold on - to the next generation to befoul then torch.

  5. "Some would say that the really sad thing was that they didn't leave a family member or two in the vans when they torched them."


    "After they've done all the welfare reports and such crap"

    They should do those on the poor sods unfortunate enough to be living near them!

    " the next generation to befoul then torch."

    I favour Penseivat's suggestion..
