Monday 24 March 2014

Yes, But He’s The ‘Vulnerable’ One, Remember…

Fly, a female lurcher, was said in Bolton Magistrates Court today to be the one of the worst cases ever seen by an experienced vet.
Dog owner David Lowe, aged 33, of Trentham Avenue, Farnworth, was found guilty in his absence of a catalogue of animal cruelty charges.
He couldn’t even be bothered to turn up in court. I think that tells us all we need to know…
The court heard that Lowe had been given £20 to take his dog to the vets but he failed to do so because he feared it would be put down.
With good reason. And it shows he fully recognised the state it was in and knew the likely consequences.
Adam Whittaker, defending, said Lowe had been homeless for four years and his ex-partner was caring for the dog until returning it to him last year.
Lowe was said to suffer from post traumatic stress disorder following an explosion in Raikes Lane, Burnden.
Mr Whittaker said Lowe was “highly vulnerable” .
No, I can’t find any report of that explosion…

He’ll be sentenced on 16th April following the usual ‘reports’, without which it seems magistrates can’t even tie their own shoelaces these days…


  1. If he cared for the poor creature that much, maybe he should have used the £20 quid to give the animal some food. Or maybe shared some of his. Even under all that clothing, he does not look malnourished.

    Or maybe he thought that it might be he that would be 'put-down'. Which would have been a fairer outcome, both for society and the animal
