Thursday 20 November 2014

People Are Strange…

In a bid to make sure motorists across the city didn't drive off without doing the survey, a 'sweetener' of a £100 Amazon voucher was being offered in a draw.
Aha! They are finally learning.
But your Worcester News can reveal how the tactic enraged some drivers, who say the county council should not be endorsing a company facing so much flak for dodging Corporation Tax.
Ummm, wha..?
Some Worcester motorists say they drove off precisely because they were offered the chance to win an Amazon voucher.
Jim Norris, 66, of Broadwas, said: "I was caught up in the traffic jams and as soon as I saw they were offering Amazon vouchers, I thought 'this is utterly disgraceful'.
"I handed the survey straight back and told them why, to me that is not an incentive, it's the opposite."
Fellow driver Scott Brennan, 31, of Worcester, who was also pulled over, said: "They said to me the prize was either a £100 donation to a charity of my choice or the £100 Amazon voucher.
"I wasn't having it, I actually thought that was worse than causing all of the delays, it's a joke."
Can you revoke a driving license for lack of intelligence? If not, you ought to be able to…


  1. Some lefty idiots have have said Amazon are "dodging corporation tax" which as Amazon make little in the way of profits(which they are currently content to do as their aim is more long term) is patently untrue. Still we know all politicians especially lefty ones tell lies and/or obfuscate to further their ends knowing full well that the majority of the public are stupid enough to believe them.

  2. So the council thinks it is okay to piss away other people's money bribing motorists to comply with a census. I'd have been annoyed, too. And as I always do, refused to take part, having had my journey unnecessarily delayed.

  3. It's everyone's duty - corporate or individual - to organise their affairs within the law so that the larcenous state steals as little of their hard-earned as possible.

    In years gone by, such avaricious theft would have resulted on "rulers" having their heads on a pole by the city gate.

    (sigh) Those were the days...

  4. So this ensures that ignorant Lefties exclude themselves from a public consultation.

    Good work, say I.

  5. "Some lefty idiots have have said Amazon are "dodging corporation tax"..."

    We have a new phenomenon to run alongside the Low Information Voter.

    The Low Information Protester.

    "So the council thinks it is okay to piss away other people's money bribing motorists to comply with a census. "

    Why not? It's free & there seems to be an inexhaustible supply of it... :/

    "In years gone by, such avaricious theft would have resulted on "rulers" having their heads on a pole by the city gate."

    We can't, people would be offended by it....

    "So this ensures that ignorant Lefties exclude themselves from a public consultation.

    Good work, say I."

