Wednesday 19 November 2014

An Everyday Story Of Liverpool Folk…

Altogether now! “Calm down, calm down, calm down…”
A pair of brothers who terrified a man by turning up at his house and pointing a gun at him following a row on Facebook were jailed.
Terry Carter and Nigel Halfacre were arrested by armed officers after accidentally shooting a hole in their sister’s wall, prompting her to call police.
/facepalm And all because the bungling duo were defending her honour*!
Liverpool Crown Court heard how Carter, who had only been released from prison a few weeks before, and his brother Nigel Halfacre went to the house of Richard Mooney on Suffield Road, Kirkdale, on May 30 because his girlfriend had got in a “heated” argument with their sister on Facebook.
As you do. And why bring an unloaded gun?
Anya Horwood, prosecuting, said Mr Mooney described himself and being shocked and “frozen to the spot” and only recovered himself when Nigel Halfacre thrust a dog at him which the brothers had brought to the house.
Was the dog loaded? I think we should be told…
Mr Mooney called the police the next day after discussing what happened with his partner.
But by that point, Halfacre and Carter’s sister had already gone to the police after they shot a hole in her wall while playing with the gun after drinking beer and vodka.
I’m shocked, shocked, to find alcohol was involved…

*Yeah, I know, I know, but work with me here…


  1. Pardon my thickness Julia, but how do two brothers end up with different surnames?

    1. Is it because they is half brothers?

  2. I recall Suffield Road being a "good address". But that was a long time ago. According to grannie back in the 19th Century it was relatively posh. Nice to see it has gone up market to the ruling class of the present day.

  3. So threatening with an illegal gun eh? Isn't that worth 5 years on it's own?

  4. How the world has changed. I can remember those halcyion times when a good hard stabbing would have been deemed sufficient. O, I hanker for the good old days........

  5. Whoever designed that court must have been going through a very acrimonious divorce.

    Demetrious gets it right: Nice to see it has gone up market to the ruling class of the present day.
    When you let the retarded vote and breed, they will overcome you with sheer numbers.

  6. Damned wimps. Why doesn't someone blow away our MPs instead?

  7. "... but how do two brothers end up with different surnames?"

    I'm assuming, as andy5759 points out, they are what we would have called 'half brothers'. Or maybe it's a Liverpool thing?

    "I recall Suffield Road being a "good address". But that was a long time ago. "

    No place, it seems, stays that way for long.
