Wednesday 19 November 2014

The 'Correct Medication', Eh..? then, would that be .38 or .44 calibre?
Charles Weidner, mitigating, said his client, who was joined in the dock by a psychiatric nurse, had been diagnosed with a mental illness days before the attack and had not yet been given the correct medication.
 How fortuitous! I guess he's too mad to name his accomplice too?
He added: “We are talking about a 50-year-old with no previous convictions who is not somebody who ordinarily comes before the court and there is nothing to suggest that his behaviour towards animals has been unacceptable before this incident.”
 Right, sure, a first time offence, was it? Pull the other one!
However, after an hour of deliberations, magistrates decided the offence was too serious to avoid immediate custody.
It took them a whole hour?


  1. .38 or .44 calibre justice is too quick.

    Introducing him to the finer points of cats would serve the interests of justice better.

    This should be done by putting him in the Lion or Tiger enclosure at the nearest zoological establishment.

  2. I like the way you think... ;)
