Saturday 17 January 2015

Another Case That Sums Up Modern Britain To A 'T'..

Robert Brown also reported the youngsters to police and was delighted when officers came round to speak to him. He assumed it was to take details of his plight...
His plight being local children who were climbing on his garden fence to throw stones at his windows, forcing him to buy anti-climb paint of the type you see everywhere these days.

A sensible measure, because the police can't be everywhere, they are too busy with low-level crime. Or so they always tell us.
...and was shocked to learn he was being prosecuted for criminal damage because the children had got the paint over their clothes.
Their mother alleged that almost £4,000 worth of furniture and carpets had been ruined by the youngsters treading the paint, which does not dry and leaves surfaces slippery, into her house.
To which you'd expect a policeman's response to be 'Then let this be a lesson to you to ensure your children don't abuse the neighbours, madam!"

10 years ago, it would have been.

But don't worry, even if the police are emasculated  tick-box automatons, the justice system will act as the brake on this, as it should do, and...

Retired security guard Mr Brown, 76, was hauled to court three times and threatened with a criminal record in a nine-month ordeal as he fought the case which cost around £10,000 of taxpayers' cash.
It was dropped on the day it was due to go to trial last month.
Presumably someone at the CPS woke up and realised how this was likely to play.
Police visited him after their mother, Judith Ripley-Aitchison, 44, complained that her children had traipsed through her home covered in the paint, causing £3,750 worth of damage.
She denied Mr Brown had warned the youngsters about the paint or that they had climbed on to the roof and fence to get it on their clothes, saying it had 'dripped on to them'.
Mr Brown was charged with criminal damage and asked to go to Leigh police station to accept a caution, but refused.
Good for him! That £10,000 should come out of the personal pockets of the cops & prosecutors who pursued this, mind you.
Last night unemployed Mrs Ripley-Aitchison, a single mother-of-six, denied her children made Mr Brown's life a misery.
'I had four children running inside covered, it [the paint] went on the carpets, on curtains, everywhere,' said Mrs Ripley-Aitchison, whose children are educated at home.
Mrs Ripley-Doublebarrel is a council house tenant. Perhaps we can now all see why the lack of social housing might be an advertising hook, despite the progressives' anguished wailing?
'They thought they had found some kind of black mud, they were playing with it. 'The kids may have thrown a ball and a hula hoop over once, but kids are kids. He [Mr Brown] is the type who would complain if a bird pooed in his garden.'
But what of the police, who started this whole sorry process off. Are they suitably chastened?
Sergeant Dave Clarke, of Greater Manchester police, said the case was part of a 'much bigger' neighbour issue and they had a duty to investigate Mrs Ripley-Aitchison's complaint. 'We attempted to resolve the issue by a police caution. As this was refused, he was issued with a summons authorised by the CPS.'
'Nuffink to do wiv us, right? It's not our fault, we was just doin' as we were told, if 'e adn't resisted, 'e wouldn't 'ave got 'urt!'

You cretin, Clarke. That's what the other side of the custody desk is supposed to say!


  1. Nothing new. It has been an offence for DECADES to put broken glass, spikes, or barbed wire on top of a Wall to stop the bastards getting in.

    The only surprise here, is that he WASN'T prosecuted.

    Whether that is right, or just, or not is not the question. The fact is, it IS an offence, and the police must treat it as such.

    Nothing to see here, move on!

  2. Was £3,750 the price she paid for the furnishings or the cost of the replacements she had lined up?

    How disappointed she (and her local furniture store) must be! Perhaps, to make up for raising her expectations, the police should have a whip-round and buy her a gallon of white spirit and a scrubbing brush for each child.

  3. Far be it from me to suggest that one scrubber per household is enough.

  4. Furor, the thing is that he didn't use any of the items you mentioned - he just painted his fence. OK, it was paint that has rather special properties but it was paint.

  5. Unfortunately the brief biog of Mrs double-barrelled Dole Sponger conjures up a very common picture of modern Brittan. We are clearly paying for every aspect of these DNA waster's lives and then some. Clearly the old boy has had a torrid time and clearly this has been known by the usual 'partners' in the multi-agency ASBO process that has meant lots of meetings, lots of action and resulted in him paying out for a security fence and then again for anti-vandal paint - for which iot seems from the photos there were warning notices but the feral junior Dole-Scroungers chose to ignore these or no doubt have a medical reason why they did so, dizzlexia probably or ADHD or ASHburgers even. Utter scum and still the old dripper can't admit any responsibility let alone take any. As to the actions of the police - their once powerful tool - discretion - was surgically removed by both labour and Tory governments, the target culture still exists and any decision re charging and continuing this sorry farce lies with the CPS....ALONE.
    Still the security threat level is critical and the specific threat to individual police officers is very high yet still they'll have to deal with shit like this, plus all the Facebook bollocks -remember, if the state can't protect it's police what chance to we have?

    I wonder what Mrs Dole-Scrounegrs rent arrears are? May the housing association could - errrm - evict her?

  6. XX
    ivan said...

    Furor, the thing is that he didn't use any of the items you mentionedXX

    I made a list as short as possible;

    I also did not mention;

    Land mines
    sea mines
    rabid tigers
    the woman next door
    the local ninja knitting circle
    the milkman
    two Regiments of Challenger MBTs
    A squadron of F-16s
    or the "USS Ronald fucking Regan" either, but I think MOST people have the common sense to accept that.

    YOU however, appear to have serious problems.

  7. @ Furor -easy tiger!

  8. Nuffink to do wiv us, right? It's not our fault, we was just doin' as we were told, if 'e adn't resisted, 'e wouldn't 'ave got 'urt!'
    Really Julia-you had "the police" on the ropes with this story and you had to over-egg the pudding with this silly quote.
    Outwardly this story does paint my colleagues in a bad light with the caveat that it is from the Daily Mail.

  9. What a stupid cow. And she is educating her pack of feral kids at home, so there is every prospect of them being even more stupid than she evidently is!

  10. "Nothing new. It has been an offence for DECADES to put broken glass, spikes, or barbed wire on top of a Wall to stop the bastards getting in."

    And if he'd done any of those...

    And do we really want a police force that consists of 'WE're just obeying orders' folk? I seem to recall that was tried, and didn't go down so well.

    "... and buy her a gallon of white spirit ..."

    She'd probably drink it.

    "...a very common picture of modern Brittan. We are clearly paying for every aspect of these DNA waster's lives and then some."

    Depressing thought, isn't it? :/

    "Really Julia-you had "the police" on the ropes with this story..."


  11. And really is homo schooling ?when? Because her kids are never at her home are that Judith man chaser double barrel bullshit
