Saturday 17 January 2015

Aren’t You Sick Of Crying ‘Wolf!’..?

Despite condemnation from Germany’s political leaders, anti-immigrant xenophobia plunged to new depths today with …
Public crucifixion of asylum seekers?
…. disclosures that a Dresden hotelier had been forced to abandon plans to open an asylum-seeker hostel after being mobbed on the internet and seeing his property daubed with racist graffiti.
Oh. Is that all? Is there more?
There were also reports that a 20-year-old asylum-seeker from Eritrea found dead in the back yard of a Dresden housing estate last Monday may have been murdered.
And I guess that could only have been carried out by Nazibigotthugs stirred up by Pegida fever, right? It’s totally unheard of for asylum seekers to ever kill one another…
… the owner of the city’s Prinz Eugen hotel had planned to convert his property into accommodation for 94 asylum-seekers but had dropped the idea after angry protests.
“The hotel owner made the surprise decision to withdraw,” a statement from the city government said.
“He said he did so because of massive opposition from residents.”
It was reported that some 5,700 people had signed an internet petition opposing the asylum hostel project, claiming that it was “pre-destined for conflict” .
Funny, we have protests against hostels and other dumping grounds all the time without someone pushing the ‘racism!’ panic button. I appreciate they have certain…. issues…. in Germany, but really, should locals just have to put up and shut up without voicing an opinion on the transformation of their country?

The Greens say ‘Yes’:
. “It sends the wrong message when a responsible citizen backs down like this because of pressure and fear,” said Jens Hoffsommer, a Green Party spokesman.
Does it indeed? Some might say that it’s about listening to those affected by the consequences of your soft-heartedness. Something you are often personally unaffected by.

But hey, if it’s just a small minority of Nazibigotthugs, what have you got to worry about?
There have been conflicting accounts about the attitudes and backgrounds of Pegida’s supporters. They are said to include both convinced neo-Nazis and impoverished pensioners who feel that they are the losers of Germany’s 1990 reunification.
However, a study conducted by Dresden’s Technical University concluded, alarmingly, that the average Pegida protester was well-educated and middle-class. They attended protests because they were “dissatisfied with politics” , according to the study.
And why the ‘alarmingly’ there? Because that makes it much, much harder to deal with than if they are simply Nazibigotthugs, perhaps?
Chancellor Merkel and the political mainstream remain bound by conviction and Europe’s 20th-century past to declare that Germany should provide asylum for refugees in need.
The past is just that – the past. Europe needs to look to the future. Or risk worse than just graffiti.


  1. It sends the wrong message when a responsible citizen backs down like this because of pressure and fear.

    Yet that is what is happening in Ched Evans case as well as a number of people silenced because they are threatened by a vile crowd with the accusation of racist and other like tags. That seems perfectly OK to these clowns.

    Now of course we are just doing our thing and using their own tools against them.

    About time.

  2. "alarmingly" - often used when progressives find that the suspects aren't the usual suspects and things just aren't fitting their preferred narrative.

    So, having acknowledged the alarm, what do they do about it? Usually, hit the snooze button. Again. And again. And again....

  3. "Yet that is what is happening in Ched Evans case as well as a number of people silenced because they are threatened by a vile crowd with the accusation of racist and other like tags. "

    Oh, yes. It's a tactic they know well how to use to suit themselves.

    "So, having acknowledged the alarm, what do they do about it? Usually, hit the snooze button. Again. "

    I think they'll find sleep increasingly hard to come by. Especially if we get a warm summer.

  4. XX “The hotel owner made the surprise decision to withdraw,” a statement from the city government said.

    “He said he did so because of massive opposition from residents.” XX

    Pitty our so called "Democracy" did not take the same DEMOCRATIC attitude to these benefit seekers.

    As to PEGIDA. Last MOnday more than 25;000 on the street in Dresden alone. 6 or 7 other citys in the thousands as well.

    But take Dresden.

    If 25,000 fucking sand-niggers took to the streets ONCE, let alone week after week, those mother fucking bastards in the Reichstag would be bending over backwards.... or, given their preference for camel shaggers, probably forewards, to give the Suidaephobes millions in tax money, and have all kinds of "emergency meetings to address their problems."

    Hitler was not wring, he picked on the wrong bastard people!

  5. @ Furor Teutonicus, just get off the bl**dy fence will you?

  6. "As to PEGIDA. Last MOnday more than 25;000 on the street in Dresden alone. 6 or 7 other citys in the thousands as well."

    I guess Germans have the same bloody-minded attitude to being told what to do as the English... ;)
