Saturday 7 February 2015

Shouldn’t ‘Understanding & Tolerance’ Go Both Ways..?

Lancashire students and teachers celebrated the Muslim way of life when they wore headscarves for a day.
Did they indeed..?
The movement was set up by New York resident Nazma Khan, who came up with the idea as a means to foster religious tolerance and understanding by inviting both Muslim and non-Muslim women to experience the hijab for one day.
And is there a reciprocal ‘Don’t Wear A Headscarf’ Day? No, oddly enough:
Abdul Hamid Qureshi, chairman of the Lancashire Council of Mosques, said: … the Koran tells women to dress modestly, and cover their chest and head.
He said: “People choose. Some people don’t wear it. It’s not a sinful act not to wear it but it’s a Koranic instruction, so you can’t defy it either.”
Ah. Catch 22, then?
US First Lady Michelle Obama came under fire recently for choosing not to cover her hair on a visit to Saudi Arabia.
Blackburn Councillor Salim Mulla said: “In my opinion she should have conformed to the values and the principles of the country and should have worn a scarf. It would have shown respect to the Muslim community.”
Oh, quite! I’m all for ‘conforming to the values and principles of the country’.

So when are you going to start doing that?


  1. I look forward to next weeks BBQ pulled pork hog roast accompanied by a rousing chorus of onward Christian soldiers..

    All in the interests of social cohesion mind...

  2. In electronics, diodes allow current flow one way; the analogy being the flow of benefits, tolerance, etc., from British culture to Moslem incomers. But a diode can withstand just so much back-pressure (voltage), then it fails suddenly and, woosh!, the pathway is open in both directions. If we keep up the pressure on the lenient treatment, overly-generous benefits, tolerance of the intolerant, then eventually this "tipping point" will be reached. Hopefully.

  3. XX Oh, quite! I’m all for ‘conforming to the values and principles of the country’.

    So when are you going to start doing that? XX

    :-O You RASCIST bugger! How DARE you question the system?

    Do you not understand how demeaning that question IS for suidaephobes?

    Why, they may shed a tear all NIGHT! Then hang themselves out of despair....hopefully.

  4. I wonder whether the Muslims would be willing to wear the 'cap of reason' to show solidarity with atheists like me.

  5. I'm going to wait for the bomb making sessions. It'll come in handy.

  6. "I look forward to next weeks BBQ pulled pork hog roast accompanied by a rousing chorus of onward Christian soldiers.."

    Reciprocity, it's the new black!


    I keep telling myself that too. But it's getting harder...

    "I'm going to wait for the bomb making sessions. It'll come in handy."


  7. Muslis have integrated and assimilated successfully into this country for decades and continue to live well adjusted normal lives in the British ways. Unfortunately for sad losers like this isn't what you wish for but it is the truthful reality...

  8. Comment visible after approval??? Where is the freedom of expression on this site then if only views you approve of are published. Hypocritical fools
