Saturday 7 February 2015

No, Dr Ulfkotte, The Point Is, If You Were, You Wouldn't Be Capable Of Feeling Shame...

Dr Ulfkotte, 50, who currently has a book at number three in the bestselling chart in Germany called 'Bought Journalism', is aghast at the lawsuit which he promises to fight 'tooth and nail.'
He said: 'If I was Dr Ubani, I would be ashamed to be involved in this after what he did.'
He's also never heard of the Streisand Effect.


  1. What I don't understand is how he can cut a deal in Germany that makes him untouchable. I guess we put out a EAW on him and it was rejected. That I can understand, we should have someone with the balls to do that for some of our guys.

    It just doesn't make sense.

  2. You have discoverd dear Udo!!!


    Mostly he writes about Germany, so there is no need to translate to English, they would make no sense any way.

    But things like "S.O.S Abendland" are great, and cover the whole of Europe.

  3. Yes, Udo is great. And they can't dismiss him as an ill-informed loon as he has a doctorate and used to write for the Frankfurer Allgemeine. Ditto with the leadership of the AfD - loads of academics and much more intellectually credible than most of the people in UKIP.

  4. "...we should have someone with the balls to do that for some of our guys."

    If only!

    "But things like "S.O.S Abendland" are great, and cover the whole of Europe."

    I shall be keeping an eye on him in the future.

    "And they can't dismiss him as an ill-informed loon as he has a doctorate and used to write for the Frankfurer Allgemeine."

    That rarely stops the usual suspects...
