Saturday 7 February 2015

Hey, Sarah, Never Heard Of The 'Screenshot'..?

The Labour Party, folks - blase about institutionalized child rape by Pakistani Muslim gangs, laughing at the abuse of democracy by their ghastly fellow travellers, and unable to remember that in this day and age, deleting a Tweet is pointless when every man & his dog can click 'Ctrl' & 'PrtScn'...


  1. She didn't put a comma after 'Hilarious'. Perhaps she actually meant that she thinks Nige is 'one humerous dude'.

  2. let's hope that the voters of her constituency vote sensibly this time and hand her a P45 !

  3. Humorous. Time to invest in a Dictionary!!!

  4. "She didn't put a comma after 'Hilarious'. "

    Well, you are limited for characters in Twitter...;)

    "let's hope that the voters of her constituency vote sensibly this time..."

    There's more chance of them growing wings & flying!
