Friday 6 February 2015

Things I Learn In 'The Guardian'..

On the streets and in the media, the case was all about race. My film captures this through intimate conversations with Davis’s friends and parents, who analyze the phrase “thug music” as a more politically correct, but no less racist, version of the “n” word.
According to lily-white Marc Silver (a filmmaker, director of photography and social impact strategist, no less), disliking profanity-laced, ear-splitting rap 'music' makes one virtually an honorary member of the Klan.



  1. This pillock wants more gun control and stand your ground laws to be repealed, in case someone sees black people as a threat. What a tool.

  2. Thug - I think it's a Tupac thing. Supposed to be a little broader/deeper than gangster rap. Basis for the Thug Life Meme which can be quite funny.

  3. He must have run out of ammo - I've fantasised so many times about doing that when I've endured some arrogant, ignorant fuckwit intent on sharing his cacophony of bollocks with everyone from his Halfords Equipped Corsa or Saxo OR BMW in some ghettos

  4. Indeed. In Nuzzyland we have just suffered the indignity of 'Waitangi Day'The Maori have taken on much of the mantle of the 'dark folk' including their blearing, mind numbing, music. The only good thing about Waitangi day, apart from the day off work, is that it is the only day you can legally shoot Maoris, or is it possums? I confess, I get the buggers mixed up.

  5. XX a more politically correct, but no less racist, version of the “n” word.XX "n" word???
    Is she trying to say NIGGER, or what?

  6. "What a tool."

    I don't know why that because an epithet. Tools are useful.

    Ah. Maybe I see know... ;)

    "He must have run out of ammo - I've fantasised so many times about doing that when I've endured some arrogant, ignorant fuckwit intent on sharing his cacophony of bollocks..."


    "I confess, I get the buggers mixed up."

    If it takes more than one to make a decent coat, you just shot a possum...

    "Is she trying to say NIGGER, or what?"

    Yup! That word is avoided, except in the very music itself.
