Monday 26 September 2016

More Joy In Heaven, And All That...

“I have an element of anxiety when I’m out and the other day as I was crossing in Barnes High Street a cyclist whizzed through a red light and in front of me. I thought it was happening again.
“I’m not sure what can be done but there doesn’t seem to be any significant penalties for cycling on the pavement or for riders who whizz through red lights. The feeling I got from police was that there was nothing they could do in my case.
“Had this man hit an elderly man or my young daughter it could have been a different story.
Says another anti-cycling driver who just wants to keep the roads all to themselves?

Well, no.


  1. As a responsible cyclist, these people piss me off as well. When it comes down to it I think that they are probably inconsiderate jerks generally, not just when they get on their bikes. I don't cycle on the pavements. There are shared spaces that are designated for the use of cyclists, pedestrians and dogs. It only needs a bit of common sense and consideration for everyone to get along. There are the odd exceptions but, in my area, most of the time, we all do.


  2. As a biker and cyclist I urge you to keep things in perspective, Julia. Government statistics demonstrate that pedestrians are 120 times more likely to die as a result of a vehicle mounting the pavement than being killed by a bicycle riding along it! I am therefore more relaxed when a cyclist passes than some 'driver' using her knees to steer a 4 x 4 monstrosity whilst sending a text.

  3. In France, people ride scooters down the pavement! But at least people then don't worry about what the bikes are doing. :)

  4. I was out cycling the other day. As I approached a set of traffic lights they changed to amber so I braked and stopped. However, the cyclist following me just kept on going and went through after the lights turned red. He was driving a van, but I know he was a cyclist because drivers tell us it's just cyclists that jump red lights.

  5. The woman said "...tougher action was needed against cyclists who ride on pavements at fast speeds..."

    No, tougher action (or, actually, ANY action) is needed against cyclists who ride on pavements at all because it's, you know, against the law.

    (See Highway Code!)

  6. "I am therefore more relaxed when a cyclist passes..."

    Are you also quite relaxed when they knock you flying and then abuse you for getting in their way?

  7. 'Are you also quite relaxed when they knock you flying and then abuse you for getting in their way?'
    Some old salt would find cracks in the pavement a hazard and risk. A problem in itself for some peg-legged, scurvy toper sporting a hook and eye patch, shipmate.

  8. Two really obnoxious Americans riding through a red light, causing 2 vehicles to brake and swerve, and then riding on a footpath, the wrong way down a one way street, were stopped by me out on my foot beat. Initially, I was going to advise them of the road traffic laws in this country. However, their confrontational and abusive manner led me to reporting them for the various offences (one offence, fixed penalty ticket, more than one offence, report for summons). When they refused to give me their names, or where they were staying, but did give their addresses in the USA, I thanked whatever deity their may be, for section 25 of PACE, which gives a power of arrest if name and address is not known, cannot be ascertained, or the service of a summons is impractical. Hopefully, spending the next 4 hours experiencing the hospitality of an English Police station made them concentrate their cycling minds somewhat. At times I really loved my job!

  9. I urge cyclists to take out insurance. In fact, I feel it should be mandatory for all bicycle use on at least "A" & "B" roads. There's nothing as effective as risking higher insurance premiums for "encouraging" cyclists to obey the law and keep off the pavements and stop at red lights.

  10. I am most pleased to report that on Thursday last week, when I was walking down the pavement in our local High Street, a lycra-clad lout, complete with "bunch-of-bananas" helmet, busy pedalling a racing cycle, came hurtling towards me shouting "Get out of the way!" A gentle poke of my walking stick went into the lower part of the V of the cycle frame as he hurtled by, not into the spokes of the wheel as I had intended. However, the resultant rather spectacular crash of the cycle and rider was a wonder to behold, and I even managed to retain my grip on my stick! The subsequent gathering of people around the sprawled, but invective-spewing cyclist enabled me to totter off unmolested and unidentified.
    Our South Coast village is being invaded by more and more "Wannabe Wiggins" every year and they are typified by their blatant disregard of the Law. We have many local cyclists here, most of them of pensionable age, and who are given due regard by both drivers and pedestrians. They stay on the road, they stop at the zebra crossings when pedestrians are crossing, they stop when they come to either of the two traffic lights when they are red and never ride two-abreast! None of this applies to the idiots who invade in growing numbers each year.

  11. "When it comes down to it I think that they are probably inconsiderate jerks generally, not just when they get on their bikes."

    I do wonder if they drive their cars (if they have cars) like this as well. But maybe the identifying registration number stops them?

    "Government statistics demonstrate..."

    Undeniable things, Melv..?

    "But at least people then don't worry about what the bikes are doing. :)"


    "He was driving a van, but I know he was a cyclist because drivers tell us it's just cyclists that jump red lights."

    No, it's vehicles too. But not with quite as much insouciance. It's the identifying registration number, you see.

    "However, their confrontational and abusive manner..."

    I never understand that attitude: 'Here's a man who has power over me. I'll wind him up and maybe he'll think twice about exercising it!'

    The lycra must cut off blood to their brains...

  12. "n fact, I feel it should be mandatory for all bicycle use on at least "A" & "B" roads. "

    Also mandatory testing and registration. Want to play with the traffic? Obey the same rules!

    "...complete with "bunch-of-bananas" helmet..."

    A sure sign of a cyclopath!
