Monday 26 September 2016

When 'Challenge' Doesn't Mean What You May Think...

The campaign is run by the Brighton and Hove Food Partnership, Jamie Oliver’s Food Foundation and Brighton and Hove City Council.
Oliver said “It’s great to see so many people across the city up for getting involved with the campaign – taking a Sugar Smart challenge is a great way to start thinking about how to reduce the amount of sugar you consume.
An even better was would be to not read his cook books.

And judging by the number I see unopened and pristine at boot sales, lots are following this advice!
The first challenge, which started yesterday (Thursday September 15) ) is “make your breakfast low-sugar”. All people need to do is like a Facebook page and send in a photo of their healthier breakfast.



  1. Is he still here? I thought he was going to leave the country if we voted to leave the EU. Just like all those stupid lefty luvvies who threaten to leave if the evil tories win the next election, all wind.


  2. All those threats (promises?) quietly forgotten...

