Tuesday 11 October 2016

Entitlement By Proxy

A pupil did not have a day off sick throughout his secondary school education and his dad is very proud...
 Well he should be.
...but he is angry that all he got was a certificate and a pen.
Wait, what?
The sports-mad teen missed family skiing holidays and ploughed on through coughs and colds to achieve the feat. But despite being entered into a prize draw for those who achieved 100 percent attendance, on every last day of term from year seven to eleven, Sam did not win the coveted Ipad each time.
Dad is clearly unaware of what 'a prize draw' actually means:
"You would have thought for the last day of term prize draw, they would have given him the iPad."
But the kid himself? A bit more realistic.
"Every term I was entered in and wasn't picked once, bit unlucky. But that's the way it goes."
He'll go far. He's clearly smarter than his old man.


  1. In most modern schools he would have been the only one in the hat. This sounds like an interesting school.

    In my day they were lucky to get a acknowledgement as most people had a high attendance rate.

  2. Lynne at Counting Cats11 October 2016 at 18:24

    Looks like this particular apple fell further from the tree than is usual.

  3. "In my day they were lucky to get a acknowledgement as most people had a high attendance rate."

    Indeed so! Being singled out for praise for what you were supposed to do anyway would have been baffling.
