Wednesday 12 October 2016

Urban Myth No Longer..?

Mayor Judith McMahon believes action is needed to protect the town’s wildlife.
She said: “One reliable source who spent an awful lot of time in the park was aware this was happening so decided to befriend the people he suspected of taking the animals.
“After engaging in conversation for a few days it was identified that they were feeding the ducks and geese, taming the animals to get close enough to capture them.
I thought we were persuaded by the powers that be that we were ignorant bigots and there was no danger of immigrants eating our swans..?

Despite, well, the evidence that such did indeed occur?
“We should be protecting the wildlife and ensuring that a culture doesn’t evolve where it isn’t challenged.
The culture didn't evolve. It was imported.
“The very least we can start with is putting up signage to warn that taking the wildlife is not acceptable.
In English..?
“We have food banks in Southend, so one can assume it’s for cruelty or financial gain. It’s an abhorrent practice and has to be stopped.”
Good luck with that, your worship...


  1. I'd say Stage I of dealing with this would be something like 'Stop using slippery euphemisms like "people"'. It's no wonder they have contempt for our laws when the people in power won't even call them what they are.

  2. My Czech lodgers knew how and where to grab a carp for Christmas. I know of angling clubs which have been forced to mount 24/7 protection of their carp lakes after (apparently) Poles used phosphor mines to get at the fish. I knew beyond any doubt that this sort of thing would happen when thousands of central and eastern Europeans came here. If I knew that why didn't the brains running this country know it?

  3. Stop carping on about it, swanning around and ducking the issue.

  4. "It's no wonder they have contempt for our laws when the people in power won't even call them what they are."

    Spot on!

    "My Czech lodgers knew how and where to grab a carp for Christmas."

    Morrisons..? :)

    The stuff's tasteless and bony - what's wrong with a bit of seabass instead? I thought they came here for a better life...

    "Stop carping on about it, swanning around and ducking the issue."

