Wednesday 5 October 2016

The Curious Case Of The Dog In The Woodland...

An RSPCA spokeswoman said: “We have been able to ascertain that the dog was named Zeus and was around five years old. His body was found half-buried in the woods with his legs tied together.
“We have managed to piece together Zeus’s last moments from witnesses who heard what is described as ‘a commotion’, cheering and gunshots from the woods on the evenings in question - however, we have not been able to find out who was responsible for this senseless act.
“We are urging anyone who knows anything at all to contact us on 0300 123 8018 and leave a message for Inspector Bailey 13180. Any information given to us will be completely confidential and we do not want anyone to feel fearful about reporting anything to us.”
You seem to know an awful lot about the dog. I wonder why you don't seem to know who owned it...

And I wonder what sort of neighbourhood it is that hears gunshots and doesn't call the police.


  1. Gun shots in the country side, including woodland, are not unusual. Pity some moron slaughtered the poor dog though.

  2. As always, it’s the Right-Wing Backlash we must fear above all else.

  3. I would quite happily see people who treat animals like this hung drawn and quartered and their severed head displayed on a spike for all to see. Removing such people from the gene pool would improve society immeasurably.

  4. Not being judgemental, much, that area houses quite a lot of people who know which way is East and who have a cultural hatred of dogs. Obtaining enjoyment and satisfaction from torturing the helpless is also not unknown to them. Just saying.

  5. "Gun shots in the country side, including woodland, are not unusual. "

    Good point.

    "Not being judgemental, much, that area houses quite a lot of people who know which way is East and who have a cultural hatred of dogs."

    I did indeed have my suspicions...
