Wednesday 5 October 2016

The Wisdom Of Youth...

Meg Hanking, 18, who lives nearby, said of the new high street branch: “I have been in the area my whole life, I grew up there.
“It’s such a deprived area. Our family lived there and it’s weird to see this happening.
“Most of the people who actually live there and people who have lived there for the past decade couldn’t afford that kind of food.
“Most people who are working there are on minimum wage. This is for the middle classes.
So 18 year old kids can't afford a sandwich and a coffee?
She added: “I have eaten in Pret before, and I quite like their food. And it’s good because it’s going to bring jobs.
Wait, I thought...
“But it’s going to lead to more loss of culture.”
What culture?
Will Orr, who lives in Wood Green, said: “If there was ever an area that needed reviving it is Wood Green.
Crime and antisocial behaviour is high and since we've lived here M&S and BHS have been lost from the high street. ”
Ah. Thug culture. Well, frankly, I'm with Will.


  1. So the Left is (allegedly) unhappy when working-class people live in dirty slums but utterly livid when enterprising people begin to smarten the place up.

    No wonder the Labour party couldn’t win a whist drive.

  2. Yup! And at this rate, they'd be hard pushed to decide which whist drive they wanted to enter to start with!
